shaka-project / shaka-player-embedded

Shaka Player in a C++ Framework
Apache License 2.0
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Code sign failure even with only one developer identity #114

Closed jgongo closed 4 years ago

jgongo commented 4 years ago

When building for devices I get the following error:

Automatic code signing identity selection was enabled but could
not find exactly one code signing identity matching
iPhone Developer. Check that your keychain
is accessible and that there is a valid code signing identity
listed by `xcrun security find-identity -v -p codesigning`
TIP: Simulator builds don't require code signing...
ERROR at //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:151:7: Assertion failed.
See //build/config/ios/rules.gni:5:1: whence it was imported.
See // whence it was imported.

The output of xcrun security shows that I only have one developer identity, although it also outputs the distribution identity:

% xcrun security find-identity -v -p codesigning
  1) D7DA076778175FFAAE4C14851E10D6D409A24F1D "Apple Development: xxxx (removed) xxxx"
  2) 28D72EBC32282D9B288FA3BCE15E45994B1F9B2B "Apple Distribution: xxxx (removed) xxxx"
     2 valid identities found

Should I only have a signing identity installed in the computer in order to be able to use the automatic code signing selection, even if the other one is a distribution identity?

BTW, I know about --gn-args but I was trying to avoid it. Also see my comment in #90

jgongo commented 4 years ago

By the way, I think automatic code signing selection was working properly before I renewed my certificate. Apple changed the naming of the certificates (I think they were previously name iOS Development and iOS Distribution, while they are now named Apple Development and Apple Distribution). Can this be the cause of the script being unable to find the development identity?

TheModMaker commented 4 years ago

This is the same as #90. The script can't find your code signing identity since the name changed. You can work around it for now with --gn-args.