shaka-project / shaka-player

JavaScript player library / DASH & HLS client / MSE-EME player
Apache License 2.0
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High memory pressure with live dash playback #6070

Open Illmatikx opened 5 months ago

Illmatikx commented 5 months ago

Have you read the FAQ and checked for duplicate open issues? Yes

If the problem is related to FairPlay, have you read the tutorial? Not applicable

What version of Shaka Player are you using? 4.7.0

Can you reproduce the issue with our latest release version? Not tested, but compared the branch against 4.7.0

Can you reproduce the issue with the latest code from main? Not tested, but compared the branch against main

Are you using the demo app or your own custom app? Custom app (just a page with shaka player)

If custom app, can you reproduce the issue using our demo app? Not tried

What browser and OS are you using? Web: Windows Chrome 120.0.6099.199 (Official Build) (64-bit) webos 4,6: chromium 53 and 79 respectively tizen 4: chromium 56

For embedded devices (smart TVs, etc.), what model and firmware version are you using? webos 4: 43UM7300PLB (2019) webos 6: 43UP81006LA (2021) tizen 4: UE43NU7400U (2018)

What are the manifest and license server URIs? I will send you the URL via email.

What configuration are you using? What is the output of player.getConfiguration()? Player configuration is attached. player_config_web.txt

What did you do? Started playback of identical live dash stream with 4.3.0 and 4.7.0 shaka versions and kept it up to 2 hours. I monitored memory with distinct tools (depending on the platform), but namely on web I made heapdumps every 10-30 minutes.

What did you expect to happen? Memory footprint should not be growing after buffer filling for 4.7.0 (as it is true for 4.3.0). Also, memory allocation rate should be smaller for 4.7.0 similar to 4.3.0 (tested on smart tv devices with webos 4/6 and tizen 4).

What actually happened? Shaka 4.7.0 memory footprint grew over time during live playback (no interaction with the custom demo app, tested on web and webos 4/6). Allegedly, memory growth depends on DVR window size since it stabilized after 60 minutes of test on web (timeShiftBufferDepth is 1 hour). During two tests I observed heap reaching 39 and 68 MB respectively whereas with shaka 4.3.0 playback its size was around 11-12 MB. shaka-smtvweb-heapdumps Another one issue - memory allocation/clean up magnitude is much higher for 4.7.0 in comparison to 4.3.0 under the same testing conditions (tested on webos 4/6 and tizen 4 with 1h DVR). The consequence of high memory pressure on low-end smart tv devices is UI freezing during interaction with the app: OS and browser are busy with memory housekeeping tasks like swapping, GC, OS level memory allocation delays etc. Mere live playback with our own app started to freeze on webos 4 2019 device after ~15 minutes without any UI interaction. webos6_shaka_470_memory webos6_shaka_430_memory

Heapdumps comparison refers to memory kept by SegmentIndex/XML DOM data structures. As for high memory allocation rate, I am pondering about evict() changes in TimelineSegmentIndex class: slice() was added to timeline and references objects, which is about shallow copies of arrays (relevant changes may be in

OrenMe commented 5 months ago

Updating issue from Slack chat with @avelad Profiling the shaka sdk on standalone test page, just shaka and test stream we can see the increase of memory image

Above image is from a test was ran with the nightly build but compiled We ran it again with uncompiled code and can see that there is retention of TimelineSegmentIndex image

it is strange, cause the eviction logic seems correct but still we see it is retained We tested streams with 1 hour dvr vs no(short) dvr and the memory retention is very visible on DVR streams image

But in any case even with the no dvr there is some memory back pressure with the new version vs old version (we were on 4.3.0 and planning to upgrade)

We are going to try and test in which version this behviour started so we can try and track the change that caused it.

ricardo-a-alves-alb commented 5 months ago

On our side, Tizen and WebOS seemed to be crashing with out-of-memory errors. Rollback to 4.5.0 for now as it seems stable.

nrcrast commented 5 months ago

Interesting. I will start to investigate this a bit too. Maybe using splice instead of slice would avoid some of the extra allocations.

OrenMe commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the feedback @ricardo-a-alves-alb and thanks @nrcrast, sounds like u might know possible root cause, we were about to start doing bisect to find the PR that started it but from these comments maybe u can spot it faster then us

nrcrast commented 5 months ago

It's probably just the PR that introduced the TimelineSegmentIndex -- #5061. Not 100% sure but that was a large change and I'd imagine if there was a memory issue with it, it would have been there since the beginning.

OrenMe commented 5 months ago

I remember this PR, and I actually think @avelad mentioned it to me on another issue related to performance on smart TV but we didn't notice improvement with VST specifically and assumed our app might consume too much memory maybe to feel the gains so we started improving more on FE side. I also suspect that if you do not see this issue it might be related to dash manifest features, and maybe specific manifests suffer more than others, just a guess but it seems you did impressive work in that PR and I believe u would have saw such issues. Are you able to check this and maybe create some PR? I will be able to test it on our side and provide a feedback

nrcrast commented 5 months ago

I think I've found one of the issues -- the initSegmentReference sticks around forever. When all references have been evicted from the TimelineSegmentIndex, we should be freeing everything we can so it can be garbage collected.

At that point, the TimelineSegmentIndex really only exists as a shell to keep track of numEvicted.

OrenMe commented 5 months ago

@nrcrast thanks for the update, any chance you are planning to push this fix so we can test it?

nrcrast commented 5 months ago

Hi! I will push at some point this week. I want to do some long running tests here myself so I'm confident in the fix myself before I push anything. I can push a branch though at some point if you want to do some preliminary testing before I open a PR.

OrenMe commented 5 months ago

@nrcrast for sure if you can set up a side branch we can build and test from it

Iragne commented 5 months ago

I think I've found one of the issues -- the initSegmentReference sticks around forever. When all references have been evicted from the TimelineSegmentIndex, we should be freeing everything we can so it can be garbage collected.

At that point, the TimelineSegmentIndex really only exists as a shell to keep track of numEvicted.

you mean in the release function of "shaka.dash.TimelineSegmentIndex" we should ensure that segment reference are release Not sure to follow what you mean.

Happy to check your branch, i'm testing it too

nrcrast commented 5 months ago

It cannot be released in the release method, as the init segment reference can only be released once it's guaranteed that the SegmentIndex has evicted all of its entries.

The issue with releasing everything in the overridden release method is that release is called also when you switch variants. When you switch variant, the segment index for Variant A is closed and then re-opened if you then switch back to that variant. At that time, all information needed to re-create the segment index must still exist somewhere in memory.

I am still chasing down the issue here -- it seems that for some reason even though I'm setting initSegmentReference to null in the TimelineSegmentIndex, something is still holding onto it preventing it from being garbage collected.

I've just made a branch with this change in it as well as using splice if you also want to do some testing:

Iragne commented 5 months ago

Hi @nrcrast I tried to chase it down till the segment reference "partialReferences" and "initSegmentReference" but i'm not sure it's correct.

Thanks for the information about release and it's at the end what i thought reading more deeply the code.

Illmatikx commented 5 months ago

Hello. Seems that leaking memory and high allocation rate are still present in timeline-segment-index-free-all branch. shaka-webos6-retest Heap snapshots for the same demo app (shaka live playback with a hardcoded fullhd channel) on web: image The said heap snapshots with debug build: Some thoughts on the heap leak: references arrays of two TimelineSegmentIndex (playing audio and video) grow over time due to growing amount of SegmentRefernce elements. Each of them retains ~9 KB of heap memory through InitSegmentReference after its assigning: shaka-web-retest As of high memory allocation rate: tizen/webos tests reveal that it fluctuates by magnitude of up to 50-70 MB and it happens not within the heap itself. It is up to native memory underlying data structures, which in turn may be related to dash manifest in-memory manipulation changes.

nrcrast commented 5 months ago

Interesting. From what I can tell, the eviction logic in the TimelineSegmentIndex seems to work pretty much the same way as the eviction logic in the base SegmentIndex, plus it only creates SegmentReference objects when it's asked to.

So I'm surprised at the number still remaining. That's definitely concerning.

Have we checked if had any impact? I have no reason to suspect that it did, but it would be an interesting test.

nrcrast commented 5 months ago

Some more interesting info!

Here is a comparison of my fork of v3.3.10 on the left and current shaka main on the right. Both contain the Timeline Segment Index, but my fork does not contain #5762 or any other changes that happened since my initial contribution.


Going to play the "binary search" game and see if I can reproduce similar results using official shaka releases and not my own fork.

nrcrast commented 5 months ago


Comparison of current main Shaka (on right) and commit 8d2b6574de6d0510ae752637c3507df93fbf3591 ( This is after a bug fix for a race condition in the Timeline Segment Index. So seems like something went sideways sometime after this.

Continuing the hunt!

Illmatikx commented 5 months ago

"Have we checked if #5762 had any impact? I have no reason to suspect that it did, but it would be an interesting test."

I just tagged and checked 2 versions from timeline-segment-index-free-all branch on web: a commit right before #5762 (#5848 ) and #5762 itself. Looks like the heap size is quite stable, no known memory leak being detected: image

Illmatikx commented 5 months ago

Seems that I found the root cause (checked on web and webos 6 for memory leaking atm) - #5899 calling appendTemplateInfo() of TimelineSegmentIndex on manifest arrival assigns init segment references by this.initSegmentReference_ = initSegmentReference and thereby "binds" the referenced data to the long-living object. Compared tagged build of PR #5899 vs its preceding #5729 (4.6 release). web: image webos 6: webos6-PR-5899-memory-comparison

Memory allocation magnitude is still high on webos 6 for dash live playback:

  1. 25-30 MB for 4.3 release.
  2. 45-55 MB for #5729 build (release 4.6).
  3. 70-80 MB for timeline-segment-index-free-all branch. One need to perform some additional investigation of that on TV devices.
nrcrast commented 5 months ago


I don't fully understand though what the real difference is or how that PR could cause this. Even before that PR, the TSI was holding a reference to an initSegmentReference -- that PR just makes it so that reference changes periodically.

It's also unclear to me why my timeline-segment-index-free-all wouldn't have fixed this issue.

Something isn't quite adding up for me 🤔

OrenMe commented 5 months ago

We are testing it commit by commit so hard to tell. One thing that can be a gotcha is that the code we see and code we ship is not the same in JS land. Maybe the code change seems safe but maybe compiled code optimizes and creates some closure.

Illmatikx commented 5 months ago

According to heapdumps, we assign init segment references to initSegmentReference property of SegmentReference objects on fresh manifest arrival and appendTemplateInfo() calls. TimelineSegmentIndex and its references array have a lot of SegmentReference elements: with 1h DVR it is about 1800+ for video and audio indexes respectively. image

nrcrast commented 5 months ago

According to heapdumps, we assign init segment references to initSegmentReference property of SegmentReference objects on fresh manifest arrival and appendTemplateInfo() calls. TimelineSegmentIndex and its references array have a lot of SegmentReference elements: with 1h DVR it is about 1800+ for video and audio indexes respectively. image

@Illmatikx I think this has always been the case, though.

Before the Timeline Segment Index was introduced, all of these SegmentReferences were created during manifest parse time, and each Segment Reference had a ref to the InitSegmentReference.

With the introduction of the Timeline Segment Index, these Segment References are only created upon retrieval (SegmentIndex.get).

@OrenMe The only difference between your two tests was that single commit for It just seems like such an innocuous change! @avelad any idea?

Maybe this is some weird compilation issue, but on a linear stream Segment References will be periodically evicted. They should then be garbage collected. As long as there is no other reference to the InitSegmentReference (which I tried to fix in my branch), the InitSegmentReference should be collected as well eventually.

In practice, I must be missing something, because it's not happening that way 😆 .

Illmatikx commented 5 months ago

@nrcrast hello! Yes, the only difference during the last test was #5899 I think the problem is that TimelineSegmentIndex is a long-living object and it keeps the references itself (references-> SegmentReference -> InitSegmentReference). For the duration of availability window - 1+ hour with 1h DVR - the references are not evicted, hence memory leaks for an hour for our streams. Before the said commit appendTemplateInfo() didn't assign initSegmentReference, which in turn retains 9-20 KB of memory per each SegmentReference object.

nrcrast commented 4 months ago

Before the said commit, though, initSegmentReference was still in TimelineSegmentIndex.

Ah maybe it's that appendTemplateInfo re-assigns initSegmentReference so it's keeping a bunch of different initSegmentReference objects in memory instead of just having all of the references in the TSI share the same initSegmentReference.

I'm not really sure of a solution, to be honest, as I don't have much context around #5899 . 🤔

Illmatikx commented 3 months ago

Greetings! @nrcrast @avelad maybe any updates or thoughts on the subject?

Illmatikx commented 3 months ago

I have conducted some memory tests on webos 6 2021 device with beanviser. The purpose was to compare distinct shaka versions and seek for any difference in terms of memory allocation during live dash playback. The results are the following: image I am thinking of #5061 added in 4.4 being a culprit for the memory usage growth: it may be improving manifest parsing time at the cost of excessive memory pressure, which in turn is the most costly resource on low-end smart tv devices (on par with main thread availability). The memory pressure presumably became even worse with shaka 4.6.1 #5899 - the PR introduced the ticket subject memory leak through addition of initSegmentReference parameter to appendTemplateInfo().

avelad commented 2 months ago

Does anyone want to submit a PR that improves what was implemented in to reduce the pressure? Thanks!

cristian-atehortua commented 2 months ago

Hi @avelad, I see what is happening. TimelineSegmentIndex keeps references to previous values of initSegmentReference because references properties keep objects of type SegmentReference and they store the value passed in the constructor.

I understood that your change aims to append template info with the new initSegementReference created when createStreamInfo is called. However, I don't know if it's valid to update the initSegmentReference of the previous references stored in the TimelineSegmentIndex.

If that is valid, the solution may be just to make that change, and in that case, I can submit the PR.

Can you clarify?

cristian-atehortua commented 2 months ago

I created a branch with the suggested change in the last comment:

Can you please help me to test behavior and memory usage?

@pszemus Since this is related to a bug fix of an issue you reported, can you please help me test how your streams work on that branch?

avelad commented 2 months ago

I share some reduced MPDs of the problem that occurred:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MPD xmlns:scte35="urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml" xmlns:xsi=""
<Period id="0" start="PT0.0S">
    <EventStream timescale="90000" schemeIdUri="urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml"></EventStream>
    <AdaptationSet id="0" group="1" mimeType="video/mp4" maxWidth="1920" maxHeight="1080" par="16:9" frameRate="25" segmentAlignment="true" startWithSAP="1" subsegmentAlignment="true" subsegmentStartsWithSAP="1">
        <SegmentTemplate timescale="90000" media="segment_6740c147d_ctvideo_cfm4s_rid$RepresentationID$_cs$Time$_mpd.m4s" initialization="segment_6740c147d_ctvideo_cfm4s_rid$RepresentationID$_cinit_mpd.m4s">
                <S t="6605347805640" d="450000"/>
                <S d="450000"/>
                <S d="450000"/>
                <S d="450000"/>
                <S d="450000"/>
        <Representation id="p0va0br150000" codecs="avc1.42c00c" width="256" height="144" sar="1:1" bandwidth="150000" />

After some time:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MPD xmlns:scte35="urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml" xmlns:xsi=""
<Period id="0" start="PT0.0S">
    <EventStream timescale="90000" schemeIdUri="urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml"></EventStream>
    <AdaptationSet id="0" group="1" mimeType="video/mp4" maxWidth="1920" maxHeight="1080" par="16:9" frameRate="25" segmentAlignment="true" startWithSAP="1" subsegmentAlignment="true" subsegmentStartsWithSAP="1">
        <SegmentTemplate timescale="90000" media="segment_b2415eee8_ctvideo_cfm4s_rid$RepresentationID$_cs$Time$_mpd.m4s" initialization="segment_b2415eee8_ctvideo_cfm4s_rid$RepresentationID$_cinit_mpd.m4s">
                <S t="6605350955640" d="450000"/>
                <S d="450000"/>
                <S d="450000"/>
                <S d="450000"/>
                <S d="450000"/>
        <Representation id="p0va0br150000" codecs="avc1.42c00c" width="256" height="144" sar="1:1" bandwidth="150000" />

@cristian-atehortua It is valid to update the old segments and it is what should be done.

I'll be happy to review your PR

cristian-atehortua commented 2 months ago

PR submitted #6499

avelad commented 2 months ago

I have tested it and it works fine with the stream I had to fix, can anyone confirm that it reduces memory pressure? Thanks!

OrenMe commented 2 months ago

Hi @avelad l'll be back from holiday tomorrow and check if we can do a quick test

cristian-atehortua commented 2 months ago

Apart from that, do you think it is appropriate to create a new initSegmentReference on each call to SegmentTemplate.createStreamInfo?

Shouldn't we check if the properties used to create the initSegementReference have changed and only in that case create a new one?

avelad commented 2 months ago

Shouldn't we check if the properties used to create the initSegementReference have changed and only in that case create a new one?

Yes, please do it

avelad commented 1 month ago

@Illmatikx Can you share the same comparison against 4.8.1? Thanks!

Illmatikx commented 1 month ago

@avelad that is the plan from my side, but I am blocked atm by I managed to run some heap memory comparison tests on web though and 4.8.1 looks fine in terms of the notorious memory leak: shaka481-memory-test I intend to run the test on a webOS device and monitor memory allocation rate with the changes. It is a must for us since UI scrolling freezes were caused not by the leak but by high memory allocation.

avelad commented 1 month ago

@Illmatikx Yesterday we released 4.8.3, can you test on WebOS if this issue is fixed now?

shaka-bot commented 1 month ago

Closing due to inactivity. If this is still an issue for you or if you have further questions, the OP can ask shaka-bot to reopen it by including @shaka-bot reopen in a comment.

Illmatikx commented 1 month ago

Hello @avelad sorry for the late response, but I managed to take a glance at 4.,8.4 version with our demo app. The test targeted a start-over video with 15h35m timeShiftBufferDepth. so It was a kind of an edge use case. Memory allocation magnitude has reduced from 40-65 (shaka 4.6.1) to 5-8 MB on account of manifest processing changes for TImelineSegmentIndex. memory-allocation-shaka-comparison At the same time, there was still a "benign" leak observed on webos 6 device, which is about TimeSegmentIndex in-memory structure itself: memory-trend-shaka484 It was about leaking a couple of dozens of MB during 1h20m test.

Illmatikx commented 1 month ago

@avelad is it doable to enable/disable usage of TimelineSegmentIndex from by a flag/configuration option? This way one can opt for each specific use case: either go for manifest parsing time improvement or memory saving,

avelad commented 1 month ago

@Illmatikx can you test if reduce the pressure? (It seems like a bit of an ugly hack, but... I would be willing to add it if it works for everyone). Thanks!