shakacode / re-formality

Form validation tool for reason-react
MIT License
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FormId compare is not save #52

Closed Coobaha closed 5 years ago

Coobaha commented 5 years ago

hi @alexfedoseev

I've noticed that uses

module Make = (Form: Form) => {
  module FieldId =
      type t = Form.field;
      let cmp =;

it will throw error in runtime if Form.field is complex type that has function or any other non-comparable type)

Maybe it should be something like this:

module type Form = {
  type field;
  type state;
  type message;
  type submissionError;
  let validators: list(Validation.validator(field, state, message));
  module FieldId:
    { type identity; type t = field; let cmp: Id.cmp(t, identity); };

module Make = (Form: Form) => {
  module FieldId = Form.FieldId;
alex35mil commented 5 years ago

Hey @Coobaha, sorry, I missed this issue since it's doesn't get to my personal feed anymore.

Can you elaborate on the use case? module FieldId would add quite a lot to public api: in terms of boilerplate and complexity. And I expect it'd be confusing for some users. So I'm not sure if it's worth it.

Coobaha commented 5 years ago

@alexfedoseev no worries! :)

I guess it is possible to do without breaking change? by introducing 2functors, one is wrapper for current Form interface that will add current FieldId and another that will use custom FieldId provided by consumer.

My use case:

I use re-formality to render dynamic forms with dynamic validations.

A bit more details:

my Form.state is Belt.Map.t(Meta.Id.Cmp.t, FormField.t, Meta.Id.Cmp.identity)

and FormField.t is GADT

  type fieldType(_) =
    | Boolean: fieldType(bool)
    | String: fieldType(string)
    | Iban: fieldType(Iban.t)
    | Gender: fieldType(gender)
    | Address: fieldType(string);

  type t =
    | NotSupported(Meta.Id.t, string)
    | Field(fieldType('a), option('a), Meta.t(option('a))): t;

fields and validators inside are

    input: Form.state,
      Map.t(Form.field, Validation.status(Form.message), FieldId.identity),
          Validation.validator(Form.field, Form.state, Form.message),

So i have complex fields, comparing them structurally is not very efficient (it was not even working because same fields with different values are not equal structurally), but main problem is that it is also unsafe because of Pervasives.cmp

I am using patched version at the moment and it works nicely

alex35mil commented 5 years ago

@Coobaha AFAIU you suggest to turn current Make functor into a thin wrapper around underlying MakeWithFieldId functor (or something like that) that accepts custom FieldId. Mind to submit a PR?

Coobaha commented 5 years ago

@alexfedoseev yeap, will do

Coobaha commented 5 years ago

@alexfedoseev please check #53