shakyShane / jekyll-gulp-sass-browser-sync

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Jekyll build not updating after running gulp #26

Closed Creativenauts closed 8 years ago

Creativenauts commented 8 years ago

After running gulp command everything looks to be working fine but jekyll rebuild never occurs. If I run jekyll serve command, everything builds just fine. Not sure what the problem is here as it doesn't show any errors. Anyone else experiencing this issue?

FYI, I'm on windows, go figure :*(

Creativenauts commented 8 years ago

Worked on this a bit more but still a bit stumped. When I run the gulp command I still do not see any errors and everything looks to be building just fine. For example, the css updates just fine but anytime I make edits to index.html it doesn't rebuild. If I stop Gulp and run "Jekyll Serve" everything works as expected.


Creativenauts commented 8 years ago

Fixed by using: 'return cp.spawn('jekyll.bat', ['build'], {stdio: 'inherit'}).on('close', done);'