shakyShane / jekyll-gulp-sass-browser-sync

A starter project including full setup for Jekyll, GulpJS, SASS & BrowserSync
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Browser sync doesn't work on pages that aren't my index .html #65

Closed moderategamer closed 6 years ago

moderategamer commented 6 years ago

So I've just set up shakyShanes default project and I'm having a problem with browser sync. It works fine when I'm on my landing page but not when I go to a different page for example about.html. I had a look in the gulpfile.js and gulp is watching for all html pages in the site which works fine to create the site but doesn't seem to launch browser sync properly. the base directive is set to _site/ so surely as long as my page is included in the site directive it should re-launch browser sync no? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

moderategamer commented 6 years ago

Update I found the source of the problem for some reason you need to have a link to page title ({{ page.title }}) for gulp to see it as an included file. can't seem to find anything about it in gulp.js file but hey small fix for anyone out there having the same problem.