The Systems Biology Simulation Core Library (SBSCL) provides an efficient and exhaustive Java implementation of methods to interpret the content of models encoded in the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) and its numerical solution.
I am excited to create our first pull-request to merge working-branch with the master branch. All of this in the forked version of SBSCL. We can do a final merge at the end of GSoC from my forked version to @draeger 's version.
A short summary
Supported for repeatedTasks, post-processing repeatedTasks
Support for simple MultiTable data plot using JFreeChart
Support for comp package using jSBML's flattening routine
Restructuring simulation-core code as per maven standards
Travis integration for build check
Replaced IBM cplex solver with SCPsolver
Added JUnit tests to check current build
Support for reading OMEX files
Auto download for test files such as SBMLTestSuite using Travis at compile time
Added simplified support for OneStep and SteadyState simulations
Finding the closest match for simulation algorithm when the proposed algorithm is not supported by the simulation library.
It seems that auto-merge is not possible because or restructuring and travis CI although we can still create a pull-request.
I am excited to create our first pull-request to merge working-branch with the master branch. All of this in the forked version of SBSCL. We can do a final merge at the end of GSoC from my forked version to @draeger 's version.
A short summary
It seems that auto-merge is not possible because or restructuring and travis CI although we can still create a pull-request.