shalomscott / eleventy-plugin-embed-svelte

An Eleventy plugin that makes embedding Svelte components in your static pages painfully easy.
MIT License
40 stars 4 forks source link

Error message : TemplateWriterWriteError #2

Closed sdelon closed 3 years ago

sdelon commented 3 years ago

Hello Shalom,

First of all, thank you for this plugin that I can't wait to try to use. But I have a problem when running the command eleventy. I have a fresh new install of 11ty and added your plugin just to make a test, but when I hit npm run start to start eleventy, I have this error message :


Having trouble writing template: _site/index.html

TemplateWriterWriteError was thrown

Octal literal in strict mode (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript) `

Do you know where this could come from ? Should I add some other plugin to this fresh blank install to be able to run ? Sorry for these newbie questions, but I would love to start this svelte and 11ty cross stack. Thanks a lot and have a great day

shalomscott commented 3 years ago

So sorry I hadn't seen this issue until yesterday! Definitely not a newbie question since this was a legit problem and not obvious to track down. It seems that rollup-plugin-svelte has recently updated the default value of the emitCss option to true, which this plugin was not prepared to handle. Should be fixed in the newest release.

shalomscott commented 3 years ago

Let me know if the issue persists for you. Closing for now.