shama / letswritecode

:mortar_board: code examples for Let's Write Code
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Idea List #1

Open shama opened 9 years ago

shama commented 9 years ago
mklabs commented 9 years ago

Hello there,

Like I said on gplus, I really like your videos @shama, I'm learning a lot. You already have a pretty good list here :+1: :)

What I can think of:

Anyway, keep up the good work, your screencasts are really good!

shama commented 9 years ago

Thanks @mklabs! It means a lot coming from you. :)

Thanks for the ideas too!

ghost commented 9 years ago

I would love to see a video that shows how to connect webpack with electron. So what steps do we need to take to develop an electron app with webpack?

shama commented 9 years ago

@cloppy Thanks! That would be interesting but I typically don't use a module bundler with electron. Since electron has the ability to require() modules built in, it gets a little more cumbersome, IMO, trying to put a build step in there too.

Although if there is an existing codebase being bundled with webpack, I would build it out to a vendor folder and consume it as a library. But maybe I'm missing a great use case using webpack to build electron apps?

ghost commented 9 years ago

@shama I thought about it, because with webpack you can require like scss, less, etc. via require inside your JavaScript, which is pretty neat. I haven't tried yet but I could imagine that this won't work out of the box with electron, since webpack is overriding the require function.

lukaMis commented 8 years ago

I would love to watch your bear inspired tuts on these topics:


Keep up good work.

shama commented 8 years ago

:bear: :+1: Thanks @lukaMis!

johnkors commented 8 years ago

Love the videos! :) Coming from a non-Linux world, it would be neat to see different ways of deploying a simple node app to a Linux server (maybe to the one you're already running with Forever?). Not thinking all Docker here, maybe start what would be the most basic file copy scripts or something?

shama commented 8 years ago

@johnkors Thanks! Great suggestion! I've added it to the list.

softwarespot commented 8 years ago

Great playlist. An idea could be to look at popular design patterns e.g. revealing module pattern, constructor pattern and my favourite, the mediator pattern. Thanks for listening.

longthanhtran commented 8 years ago

love your Ember.js videos, can you pls go further :)

shama commented 8 years ago


ghosh commented 8 years ago

@shama Really digging your concise and to-the-point videos. Would love to see more tuts around Ember. It's surprising how few quality and up-to-date tuts there are for it. Specifically around such common operations such as :-

Looking forward to what you put next. Keep up the good work!

shama commented 8 years ago


rootsical commented 8 years ago

thanks for the videos - especially the ones on electron as without them i would have been completely lost.. as for suggestions for future videos:

anyway i'm sure there's loads more but most of all thank you for your great style of teaching and for keeping it simple and easy to understand. all the best!

shama commented 8 years ago

:+1: Thank you!

ishanray commented 8 years ago

Webpack + Vue would be a great one. No resources currently online

somuchcoffee commented 8 years ago

A tutorial for Electron on setting up user preferences in an app (how to store/access the data) would be glorious.

MrBackKom commented 8 years ago

I have seen your video about webpack on Youtube.Thank you very much. But I meet a problem during code your example in the video.

In the webpack.config.js,I typed this below,

module.exports = {

in the bear.js

var bearcss = require('./bear.css');

but when I run npm start, an Error happend

ERROR in ./bear.css
Module parse failed: /Users/mrbackkom/getting-start-webpack/bear.css Line 1: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| @import 'base.css';
| div{
 @ ./bear.js 11:14-35

I do not find the reason.

shama commented 8 years ago

@MrBackKom Thanks! Did you npm install style-loader css-loader? Also would you mind opening an new issue for this question?

MrBackKom commented 8 years ago

@shama I create a new issue about this question. My sssue address thanks a lot.

ishanray commented 8 years ago

@shama Can you do a few more ember ones. There are no recent tutorials online and your videos are of course miles ahead.

shama commented 8 years ago

@ishanray Updated the list with your suggestions! Thanks a bunch! :D

SkonTeam commented 8 years ago

Most useful videos out there thanks . Suggestions :

emcanena commented 8 years ago


I was wondering if you could/were thinking about going into any of the following pertaining to Electron:

Appreciate the content thusfar!

ishanray commented 6 years ago

@shama do you have any plans to record new videos? thank you.

shama commented 6 years ago

@ishanray I have started releasing new videos: Thanks for watching!