shamanec / GADS

Simple device farm for remote control of devices and Appium test execution on iOS/Android
MIT License
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Android Device status keeps on changing #89

Closed garjmegamind closed 3 weeks ago

garjmegamind commented 2 months ago

I have setup the things according to the readme.

I got my android device connected but when I try to use the device from web, it shows "Device is unavailable". I checked in provider administration and found the device status keeps changing from init -> preparing -> live and then again init.

Here is the screen recording.

What can be the possible issue?

shamanec commented 2 months ago

Hey, did you check out the provider logs? In the folder where you start the device provider you should have a folder named logs - inside the that folder you can find a file named provider.log - you should look inside for errors. There are also folders with logs for each device but the logs from the provision itself should be in provider.log :)

shamanec commented 3 weeks ago

stale issue