shamhi / HamsterKombatBot

Bot that mines coins in HamsterKombat
Apache License 2.0
425 stars 127 forks source link

[Request] add total about profit earn per hours from all session ( telegram account ) #311

Open rezafebran opened 1 week ago

rezafebran commented 1 week ago

can you add total about profit earn per hours from all session ( telegram account ) ? so can be open from bot's if want to check about profit per hours

ButCheR-PRO commented 1 week ago
total = int(player_data.get('totalCoins', 0))
earn_on_hour = player_data['earnPassivePerHour']

This code retrieves the player's coin data from the player_data dictionary. The variable total gets its value from the 'totalCoins' key of the player_data dictionary if there is one, otherwise it is assigned the value 0. The variable earn_on_hour gets its value from the 'earnPassivePerHour' key of the player_data dictionary.