shamhi / TapSwapBot

Bot that mines coins in Tapswap
173 stars 58 forks source link

Error Sir #123

Open fiqi732 opened 5 days ago

fiqi732 commented 5 days ago

Screenshot (16)

rez9r commented 5 days ago

You banned account response invalid_request[3] Снимок экрана 2024-06-23 214049

fiqi732 commented 5 days ago

@rez9r No sir


rez9r commented 5 days ago

Maybe it blocks api requests, it may work through the phone, didn't check, checked api and web if the response is invalid_request[3] then ban. It can be caught from any invalid request photo_2024-06-24_14-09-21

rez9r commented 4 days ago

To correct this error you need to fix user-agent and change headers 'X-Cv': '631', "X-touch": "0" But this is not enough, maybe something else is required because from a browser on a PC it blocks the account, but from a phone it does not. Maybe this will help someone messages.requestWebView(flags: 6, peer: inputPeerUser(userId: 6952352627, accessHash: 3082595630000856752), bot: inputUser(userId: 6952352627, accessHash: 3082595630000856752), url: Optional(""), startParam: nil, themeParams: Optional(TelegramApi.Api.DataJSON.dataJSON(data: "{\"secondary_bg_color\":15724532,\"header_bg_color\":16316664,\"section_header_text_color\":7171442,\"subtitle_text_color\":9342611,\"hint_color\":9342611,\"accent_text_color\":31487,\"button_color\":31487,\"button_text_color\":16777215,\"text_color\":0,\"link_color\":31487,\"section_bg_color\":16777215,\"section_separator_color\":13158348,\"destructive_text_color\":16726832,\"bg_color\":16777215}")), platform: ios, replyTo: nil, sendAs: nil)]

fiqi732 commented 4 days ago

@rez9r Then what should I do? Will my tapswap account be banned?

rez9r commented 4 days ago

Nothing so far unless you're a programmer and know a lot about it, I don't think any more updates will be posted. For the reason that now every bad request goes to the account ban, and for a successful reversal you can spend dozens of accounts. But I think it's all about headers

fiqi732 commented 4 days ago

@rez9r Alright, thank you for your information sir

Sagynbekov22 commented 3 days ago

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