shamhi / TapSwapBot

Bot that mines coins in Tapswap
192 stars 62 forks source link

Unknown error while getting Access Token: 400, message='Bad Request', url=URL('') | Response text: {"statusCode":400,"message":"invalid_request[1]"} #79

Open faerhjio0gase opened 2 weeks ago

faerhjio0gase commented 2 weeks ago

Unknown error while getting Access Token: 400, message='Bad Request', url=URL('') | Response text: {"statusCode":400,"message":"invalid_request[1]"}

how to fix?

MrChiz commented 2 weeks ago

me too!

ErfanPY commented 2 weeks ago

the chq code has been changed there is no i, j variable avaialbe anymore.

the new code is like this. I don't know how the calculations are done. I hope this helps.

function b(c, d) {
  var e = a();
  return (
    (b = function (f, g) {
      f = f - 0x91;
      var h = e[f];
      return h;
    b(c, d)
(function (c, d) {
  var q = b,
    e = c();
  while (!![]) {
    try {
      var f =
        (-parseInt(q(0x91)) / 0x1) * (-parseInt(q(0x92)) / 0x2) +
        (parseInt(q(0x93)) / 0x3) * (-parseInt(q(0x94)) / 0x4) +
        -parseInt(q(0x95)) / 0x5 +
        (-parseInt(q(0x96)) / 0x6) * (parseInt(q(0x97)) / 0x7) +
        parseInt(q(0x98)) / 0x8 +
        (parseInt(q(0x99)) / 0x9) * (-parseInt(q(0x9a)) / 0xa) +
        (-parseInt(q(0x9b)) / 0xb) * (-parseInt(q(0x9c)) / 0xc);
      if (f === d) break;
      else e["push"](e["shift"]());
    } catch (g) {
})(a, 0x9dfe5),
  (function () {
    var e = {};
    (e["tZdDc"] = "getAttribute"),
      (e["eaDMY"] = "innerHTML"),
      (e["vuoQG"] = "_chr_"),
      (e["WsGdu"] = "getElementById"),
      (e["HIoFC"] = "_qu_0"),
      (e["MRUbH"] = "_ww_2");
    var f = e,
      h = ("3|2|10|4|9|5|11|12|6" + "|1|8|0|7")["split"]("|"),
      i = 0x0;
    while (!![]) {
      switch (h[i++]) {
        case "0":
          l %= 0x6a56d;
        case "1":
          l *= l;
        case "2":
          var j = document;
        case "3":
          try {
          } catch {
            return 0xc0febabe;
        case "4":
          var k = f["tZdDc"];
        case "5":
          m[f["eaDMY"]] =
            '<div><div id="_qu_0"' +
            ' _v="79428"><div id=' +
            '"_ZB_1" _v="12897"><' +
            'div id="_ww_2" _v="4' +
            '7434"><div id="_dP_3' +
            '" _v="75893"><div id' +
            '="_SQ_4" _v="28108">' +
            "</div></div></div></" +
        case "6":
          var l = +o;
        case "7":
          return l;
        case "8":
          l *= +p;
        case "9":
          var m = j[n](f["vuoQG"]);
        case "10":
          var n = f["WsGdu"];
        case "11":
          var o = j[n](f["HIoFC"])[k]("_v");
        case "12":
          var p = j[n](f["MRUbH"])[k]("_v");
function a() {
  var r = [
  a = function () {
    return r;
  return a();
bayyesterday commented 2 weeks ago

the chq code has been changed there is no i, j variable avaialbe anymore.

the new code is like this. I don't know how the calculations are done. I hope this helps.

function b(c, d) {
  var e = a();
  return (
    (b = function (f, g) {
      f = f - 0x91;
      var h = e[f];
      return h;
    b(c, d)
(function (c, d) {
  var q = b,
    e = c();
  while (!![]) {
    try {
      var f =
        (-parseInt(q(0x91)) / 0x1) * (-parseInt(q(0x92)) / 0x2) +
        (parseInt(q(0x93)) / 0x3) * (-parseInt(q(0x94)) / 0x4) +
        -parseInt(q(0x95)) / 0x5 +
        (-parseInt(q(0x96)) / 0x6) * (parseInt(q(0x97)) / 0x7) +
        parseInt(q(0x98)) / 0x8 +
        (parseInt(q(0x99)) / 0x9) * (-parseInt(q(0x9a)) / 0xa) +
        (-parseInt(q(0x9b)) / 0xb) * (-parseInt(q(0x9c)) / 0xc);
      if (f === d) break;
      else e["push"](e["shift"]());
    } catch (g) {
})(a, 0x9dfe5),
  (function () {
    var e = {};
    (e["tZdDc"] = "getAttribute"),
      (e["eaDMY"] = "innerHTML"),
      (e["vuoQG"] = "_chr_"),
      (e["WsGdu"] = "getElementById"),
      (e["HIoFC"] = "_qu_0"),
      (e["MRUbH"] = "_ww_2");
    var f = e,
      h = ("3|2|10|4|9|5|11|12|6" + "|1|8|0|7")["split"]("|"),
      i = 0x0;
    while (!![]) {
      switch (h[i++]) {
        case "0":
          l %= 0x6a56d;
        case "1":
          l *= l;
        case "2":
          var j = document;
        case "3":
          try {
          } catch {
            return 0xc0febabe;
        case "4":
          var k = f["tZdDc"];
        case "5":
          m[f["eaDMY"]] =
            '<div><div id="_qu_0"' +
            ' _v="79428"><div id=' +
            '"_ZB_1" _v="12897"><' +
            'div id="_ww_2" _v="4' +
            '7434"><div id="_dP_3' +
            '" _v="75893"><div id' +
            '="_SQ_4" _v="28108">' +
            "</div></div></div></" +
        case "6":
          var l = +o;
        case "7":
          return l;
        case "8":
          l *= +p;
        case "9":
          var m = j[n](f["vuoQG"]);
        case "10":
          var n = f["WsGdu"];
        case "11":
          var o = j[n](f["HIoFC"])[k]("_v");
        case "12":
          var p = j[n](f["MRUbH"])[k]("_v");
function a() {
  var r = [
  a = function () {
    return r;
  return a();

where i should replace it?

masudscloud commented 2 weeks ago

Hahahaha, the sweetness! Now the code changes every time ;)

Pass your CHQ, to get the CHR! Example:

I'm worried about the server capacity.

faerhjio0gase commented 2 weeks ago

код chq был изменен, переменные i, j больше не доступны. новый код такой. Я не знаю, как производятся расчеты. Надеюсь, это поможет.

function b(c, d) {
  var e = a();
  return (
    (b = function (f, g) {
      f = f - 0x91;
      var h = e[f];
      return h;
    b(c, d)
(function (c, d) {
  var q = b,
    e = c();
  while (!![]) {
    try {
      var f =
        (-parseInt(q(0x91)) / 0x1) * (-parseInt(q(0x92)) / 0x2) +
        (parseInt(q(0x93)) / 0x3) * (-parseInt(q(0x94)) / 0x4) +
        -parseInt(q(0x95)) / 0x5 +
        (-parseInt(q(0x96)) / 0x6) * (parseInt(q(0x97)) / 0x7) +
        parseInt(q(0x98)) / 0x8 +
        (parseInt(q(0x99)) / 0x9) * (-parseInt(q(0x9a)) / 0xa) +
        (-parseInt(q(0x9b)) / 0xb) * (-parseInt(q(0x9c)) / 0xc);
      if (f === d) break;
      else e["push"](e["shift"]());
    } catch (g) {
})(a, 0x9dfe5),
  (function () {
    var e = {};
    (e["tZdDc"] = "getAttribute"),
      (e["eaDMY"] = "innerHTML"),
      (e["vuoQG"] = "_chr_"),
      (e["WsGdu"] = "getElementById"),
      (e["HIoFC"] = "_qu_0"),
      (e["MRUbH"] = "_ww_2");
    var f = e,
      h = ("3|2|10|4|9|5|11|12|6" + "|1|8|0|7")["split"]("|"),
      i = 0x0;
    while (!![]) {
      switch (h[i++]) {
        case "0":
          l %= 0x6a56d;
        case "1":
          l *= l;
        case "2":
          var j = document;
        case "3":
          try {
          } catch {
            return 0xc0febabe;
        case "4":
          var k = f["tZdDc"];
        case "5":
          m[f["eaDMY"]] =
            '<div><div id="_qu_0"' +
            ' _v="79428"><div id=' +
            '"_ZB_1" _v="12897"><' +
            'div id="_ww_2" _v="4' +
            '7434"><div id="_dP_3' +
            '" _v="75893"><div id' +
            '="_SQ_4" _v="28108">' +
            "</div></div></div></" +
        case "6":
          var l = +o;
        case "7":
          return l;
        case "8":
          l *= +p;
        case "9":
          var m = j[n](f["vuoQG"]);
        case "10":
          var n = f["WsGdu"];
        case "11":
          var o = j[n](f["HIoFC"])[k]("_v");
        case "12":
          var p = j[n](f["MRUbH"])[k]("_v");
function a() {
  var r = [
  a = function () {
    return r;
  return a();

где мне его заменить?

Это помогло кому то?

ErfanPY commented 2 weeks ago

the chq code has been changed there is no i, j variable avaialbe anymore. the new code is like this. I don't know how the calculations are done. I hope this helps.

function b(c, d) {
  var e = a();
  return (
    (b = function (f, g) {
      f = f - 0x91;
      var h = e[f];
      return h;
    b(c, d)
(function (c, d) {
  var q = b,
    e = c();
  while (!![]) {
    try {
      var f =
        (-parseInt(q(0x91)) / 0x1) * (-parseInt(q(0x92)) / 0x2) +
        (parseInt(q(0x93)) / 0x3) * (-parseInt(q(0x94)) / 0x4) +
        -parseInt(q(0x95)) / 0x5 +
        (-parseInt(q(0x96)) / 0x6) * (parseInt(q(0x97)) / 0x7) +
        parseInt(q(0x98)) / 0x8 +
        (parseInt(q(0x99)) / 0x9) * (-parseInt(q(0x9a)) / 0xa) +
        (-parseInt(q(0x9b)) / 0xb) * (-parseInt(q(0x9c)) / 0xc);
      if (f === d) break;
      else e["push"](e["shift"]());
    } catch (g) {
})(a, 0x9dfe5),
  (function () {
    var e = {};
    (e["tZdDc"] = "getAttribute"),
      (e["eaDMY"] = "innerHTML"),
      (e["vuoQG"] = "_chr_"),
      (e["WsGdu"] = "getElementById"),
      (e["HIoFC"] = "_qu_0"),
      (e["MRUbH"] = "_ww_2");
    var f = e,
      h = ("3|2|10|4|9|5|11|12|6" + "|1|8|0|7")["split"]("|"),
      i = 0x0;
    while (!![]) {
      switch (h[i++]) {
        case "0":
          l %= 0x6a56d;
        case "1":
          l *= l;
        case "2":
          var j = document;
        case "3":
          try {
          } catch {
            return 0xc0febabe;
        case "4":
          var k = f["tZdDc"];
        case "5":
          m[f["eaDMY"]] =
            '<div><div id="_qu_0"' +
            ' _v="79428"><div id=' +
            '"_ZB_1" _v="12897"><' +
            'div id="_ww_2" _v="4' +
            '7434"><div id="_dP_3' +
            '" _v="75893"><div id' +
            '="_SQ_4" _v="28108">' +
            "</div></div></div></" +
        case "6":
          var l = +o;
        case "7":
          return l;
        case "8":
          l *= +p;
        case "9":
          var m = j[n](f["vuoQG"]);
        case "10":
          var n = f["WsGdu"];
        case "11":
          var o = j[n](f["HIoFC"])[k]("_v");
        case "12":
          var p = j[n](f["MRUbH"])[k]("_v");
function a() {
  var r = [
  a = function () {
    return r;
  return a();

where i should replace it?

It's not there to replace I just provided it maybe it helps someone to fix the code.

ErfanPY commented 2 weeks ago

Hahahaha, the sweetness! Now the code changes every time ;)

Pass your CHQ, to get the CHR! Example:

I'm worried about the server capacity. I rewrote the function like this:

async def extract_chq(http_client:aiohttp.ClientSession, chq: str) -> int:
chr_response = await http_client.get( f"{chq}")
chr_text = await chr_response.text()
chr_value = int('\d+', chr_text).group())
return chr_value

I got this response using this method '{"statusCode":400,"message":"invalid_chr[2]"}'

masudscloud commented 2 weeks ago

Hahahaha, the sweetness! Now the code changes every time ;) Pass your CHQ, to get the CHR! Example: I'm worried about the server capacity. I rewrote the function like this:

async def extract_chq(http_client:aiohttp.ClientSession, chq: str) -> int:
    chr_response = await http_client.get( f"{chq}")
    chr_text = await chr_response.text()
    chr_value = int('\d+', chr_text).group())
    return chr_value

I got this response using this method '{"statusCode":400,"message":"invalid_chr[2]"}'

Works everytime for me & I'm not a python programmer by the way. But, I understand you're getting numbers from the value it returned. Make sure to post chr as integer to tapswap server. I faced this problem in PHP while I was sending this as a string. The calculation is one hundred percent correct. But, due to the server capacity, some time it doesn't load, just retry(); in that case.

masudscloud commented 2 weeks ago

Also make sure you're passing the chq value, not the JSON which is like { "chq":"blahblah" ... just, pass the "blahblah" 😐

Also let me know what chr_value returned

ErfanPY commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you :) I fixed it. In second login you should send bot_key: "app_bot_0" too.

I did this changes: moved extract_chq to Tapper class

    async def extract_chq(self, http_client:aiohttp.ClientSession, chq: str) -> int:
        retry_count = 0
        while True:
                chr_response = await http_client.get( f"{chq}")
                chr_text = await chr_response.text()
                chr_value = int('\d+', chr_text).group())
                return chr_value
            except Exception as error:
                logger.error(f"{self.session_name} | Failed solving chq: {error} | "
                            f"Response text: {escape_html(chr_text)[:128]}...")

                if retry_count > 5:
                    return None

                retry_count += 1

and changed second login like this:

                chq_result = await self.extract_chq(http_client=http_client, chq=chq)

                response = await'',
                                                  json={"chr": chq_result, "init_data": tg_web_data, "referrer": "", "bot_key":"app_bot_0"})

also remember to add import re at first of

You can check the diff here:

ErfanPY commented 2 weeks ago

Also make sure you're passing the chq value, not the JSON which is like { "chq":"blahblah" ... just, pass the "blahblah" 😐

Also let me know what chr_value returned

Can you share with us how you calculated the value of CHR ? Maybe we can implement it in python and reduce your server load

general12345 commented 2 weeks ago


masudscloud commented 2 weeks ago

I actually don't use Shamhi's bot, rather I have developed mine. But, I like his creativity, that's why I was here to help if I could. I have zero knowledge in python but seeing the code, I can understand what's going on!

The calculation is root level, I collect it directly from the tapswap server. No matter how much they make it hard or obfuscate their code, they have to use it at a point. So, just collect it from their script! (The default way!)

You guys actually don't need to collect variables or calculate them, tapswap do it by itself, just collect the values and use in your project. Example: add few lines of JavaScript below their original JavaScript code which will collect the calculated variables and give to you.

Note: you will need a browser environment, as they played a tricky move, which is: putting values inside

(HTML). [Which technically means user need to be on web browser then tapswap will calculate, else it is not calculable just using the JavaScript. There are some browser environment available in PHP, I don't know about the available python options.

ErfanPY commented 2 weeks ago

I actually don't use Shamhi's bot, rather I have developed mine. But, I like his creativity, that's why I was here to help if I could. I have zero knowledge in python but seeing the code, I can understand what's going on!

The calculation is root level, I collect it directly from the tapswap server. No matter how much they make it hard or obfuscate their code, they have to use it at a point. So, just collect it from their script! (The default way!)

You guys actually don't need to collect variables or calculate them, tapswap do it by itself, just collect the values and use in your project. Example: add few lines of JavaScript below their original JavaScript code which will collect the calculated variables and give to you.

Note: you will need a browser environment, as they played a tricky move, which is: putting values inside

(HTML). [Which technically means user need to be on web browser then tapswap will calculate, else it is not calculable just using the JavaScript. There are some browser environment available in PHP, I don't know about the available python options.

Exactly that's the point the way shamhi developed the bots eliminates the need to open any browser and you can run it on a minimal server with no browser.

I've tried running the JS code inside python with js2py package but the problem is you can't just run the decoded chq script you need to run the JS script TapSwap written in TonWalletButton-XlWKW7mC.js which runs the chq code.

TECHNICALLY you can get that code with a request and also run it on your own server but since it uses "document" variable and other browser variables inside the script you have to mock it before running that script and I think that's not the easiest way possible.

headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

Hey folks. I fixed it using Selenium, no more need to use Regex.

1. Add following lines to the requirements.txt:


2. Update libraries using this command: pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Replace function extract_chq in the bot/utils/ and the libraries at the top

import asyncio
from typing import Union

from pyrogram import Client
from pyrogram.types import Message

from bot.utils.emojis import num, StaticEmoji
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import pathlib
import shutil
from selenium import webdriver
from import Service as ChromeService
from import Options as ChromeOptions
from import ChromeDriverManager
def extract_chq(chq: str) -> int:
    if not pathlib.Path("webdriver").exists():
        webdriver_path = pathlib.Path(ChromeDriverManager().install())
        shutil.move(webdriver_path, f"webdriver/{}")

    webdriver_path = next(pathlib.Path("webdriver").iterdir()).as_posix()

    chq_length = len(chq)

    bytes_array = bytearray(chq_length // 2)
    xor_key = 157

    for i in range(0, chq_length, 2):
        bytes_array[i // 2] = int(chq[i:i + 2], 16)

    xor_bytes = bytearray(t ^ xor_key for t in bytes_array)
    decoded_xor = xor_bytes.decode('utf-8')

    options = ChromeOptions()
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=ChromeService(webdriver_path), options=options)

        var chrStub = document.createElement("div"); = "_chr_";

    fixed_xor = repr(decoded_xor).replace("`", "\\`")

    k = driver.execute_script(f"""
        try {{
            return eval(`{fixed_xor[1:-1]}`);
        }} catch (e) {{
            return e;


    return k

4. [MULTIACCOUNTS FIX] For multiaccounts you need to create an asyncio lock inside the bot/utils/ and then apply this in the tapper itself inside the login method.

4.1. bot/utils/

async def run_tasks(tg_clients: list[Client]):
    proxies = get_proxies()
    proxies_cycle = cycle(proxies) if proxies else None
    lock = asyncio.Lock()

    tasks = [
                proxy=next(proxies_cycle) if proxies_cycle else None,
        for tg_client in tg_clients

    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

4.2. bot/core/

class Tapper:
    def __init__(self, tg_client: Client, lock: asyncio.Lock):
        self.session_name =
        self.tg_client = tg_client
        self.user_id = 0
        self.lock = lock
   async def login(self, http_client: aiohttp.ClientSession, tg_web_data: str) -> tuple[dict[str], str]:
        response_text = ''
            response = await'',
                                              json={"init_data": tg_web_data, "referrer": ""})
            response_text = await response.text()

            response_json = await response.json()
            wait_s = response_json.get('wait_s')
            if wait_s:
                logger.error(f"{self.session_name} | App overloaded, waiting for: {wait_s}")
                await asyncio.sleep(delay=wait_s)
                return self.login(http_client, tg_web_data)

            chq = response_json.get('chq')

            if chq:
                async with self.lock:
                    chq_result = extract_chq(chq=chq)

                    response = await'',
                                                    json={"chr": chq_result, "init_data": tg_web_data, "referrer": ""})
                    response_text = await response.text()

5. [DOCKER USERS ONLY] add webdriver to .gitignore if you are using different host and container OS. You might want to switch to another webdriver like Gecko. Please make sure to edit the code. 5.1. bot/utils/

import asyncio
from typing import Union

from pyrogram import Client
from pyrogram.types import Message

from bot.utils.emojis import num, StaticEmoji
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import pathlib
import shutil
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.service import Service as FirefoxService
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options as FirefoxOptions
from webdriver_manager.firefox import GeckoDriverManager
def extract_chq(chq: str) -> int:
    if not pathlib.Path("webdriver").exists():
        webdriver_path = pathlib.Path(GeckoDriverManager().install())
        shutil.move(webdriver_path, f"webdriver/{}")

    webdriver_path = next(pathlib.Path("webdriver").iterdir()).as_posix()

    chq_length = len(chq)

    bytes_array = bytearray(chq_length // 2)
    xor_key = 157

    for i in range(0, chq_length, 2):
        bytes_array[i // 2] = int(chq[i:i + 2], 16)

    xor_bytes = bytearray(t ^ xor_key for t in bytes_array)
    decoded_xor = xor_bytes.decode('utf-8')

    options = FirefoxOptions()
    driver = webdriver.Firefox(service=FirefoxService(webdriver_path), options=options)

        var chrStub = document.createElement("div"); = "_chr_";

    fixed_xor = repr(decoded_xor).replace("`", "\\`")

    k = driver.execute_script(f"""
        try {{
            return eval(`{fixed_xor[1:-1]}`);
        }} catch (e) {{
            return e;


    return k

5.2. Add line to Dockerfile before pip install RUN apk add --no-cache firefox 5.3. Create .dockerignore if not exists and add this line webdriver

6. Provide feedback or just react to this comment via emoji

Good luck!

P.S. Proof of work: image

masudscloud commented 2 weeks ago

Cool, this is like I did in PHP! ❤️ By the way, it seems a lot of requests are ongoing to the server, it will soon die. Use @headNbyte's idea to make it work again. Screenshot_29

alirezaalaeifaradonbeh commented 2 weeks ago

@headNbyte I'm confused , could you fork the fixed repository in your profile to directly clone it from there. thank you.

MVEProjects commented 2 weeks ago

Hey folks. I fixed it using Selenium, no more need to use Regex.

1. Add following lines to the requirements.txt:


2. Update libraries using this command: pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Replace function extract_chq in the bot/utils/ and the libraries at the top

import asyncio
from typing import Union

from pyrogram import Client
from pyrogram.types import Message

from bot.utils.emojis import num, StaticEmoji
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import pathlib
import shutil
from selenium import webdriver
from import Service as ChromeService
from import Options as ChromeOptions
from import ChromeDriverManager
def extract_chq(chq: str) -> int:
    if not pathlib.Path("webdriver").exists():
        webdriver_path = pathlib.Path(ChromeDriverManager().install())
        shutil.move(webdriver_path, f"webdriver/{}")

    webdriver_path = next(pathlib.Path("webdriver").iterdir()).as_posix()

    chq_length = len(chq)

    bytes_array = bytearray(chq_length // 2)
    xor_key = 157

    for i in range(0, chq_length, 2):
        bytes_array[i // 2] = int(chq[i:i + 2], 16)

    xor_bytes = bytearray(t ^ xor_key for t in bytes_array)
    decoded_xor = xor_bytes.decode('utf-8')

    options = ChromeOptions()
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=ChromeService(webdriver_path), options=options)

        var chrStub = document.createElement("div"); = "_chr_";

    fixed_xor = repr(decoded_xor).replace("`", "\\`")

    k = driver.execute_script(f"""
        try {{
            return eval(`{fixed_xor[1:-1]}`);
        }} catch (e) {{
            return e;


    return k

4. [MULTIACCOUNTS FIX] For multiaccounts you need to create an asyncio lock inside the bot/utils/ and then apply this in the tapper itself inside the login method.

4.1. bot/utils/

async def run_tasks(tg_clients: list[Client]):
    proxies = get_proxies()
    proxies_cycle = cycle(proxies) if proxies else None
    lock = asyncio.Lock()

    tasks = [
                proxy=next(proxies_cycle) if proxies_cycle else None,
        for tg_client in tg_clients

    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

4.2. bot/core/

class Tapper:
    def __init__(self, tg_client: Client, lock: asyncio.Lock):
        self.session_name =
        self.tg_client = tg_client
        self.user_id = 0
        self.lock = lock
  async def login(self, http_client: aiohttp.ClientSession, tg_web_data: str) -> tuple[dict[str], str]:
       response_text = ''
           response = await'',
                                             json={"init_data": tg_web_data, "referrer": ""})
           response_text = await response.text()

           response_json = await response.json()
           wait_s = response_json.get('wait_s')
           if wait_s:
               logger.error(f"{self.session_name} | App overloaded, waiting for: {wait_s}")
               await asyncio.sleep(delay=wait_s)
               return self.login(http_client, tg_web_data)

           chq = response_json.get('chq')

           if chq:
               async with self.lock:
                   chq_result = extract_chq(chq=chq)

                   response = await'',
                                                   json={"chr": chq_result, "init_data": tg_web_data, "referrer": ""})
                   response_text = await response.text()

5. [DOCKER USERS ONLY] add webdriver to .gitignore if you are using different host and container OS. You might want to switch to another webdriver like Gecko. Please make sure to edit the code. 5.1. bot/utils/

import asyncio
from typing import Union

from pyrogram import Client
from pyrogram.types import Message

from bot.utils.emojis import num, StaticEmoji
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import pathlib
import shutil
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.service import Service as FirefoxService
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options as FirefoxOptions
from webdriver_manager.firefox import GeckoDriverManager
def extract_chq(chq: str) -> int:
    if not pathlib.Path("webdriver").exists():
        webdriver_path = pathlib.Path(GeckoDriverManager().install())
        shutil.move(webdriver_path, f"webdriver/{}")

    webdriver_path = next(pathlib.Path("webdriver").iterdir()).as_posix()

    chq_length = len(chq)

    bytes_array = bytearray(chq_length // 2)
    xor_key = 157

    for i in range(0, chq_length, 2):
        bytes_array[i // 2] = int(chq[i:i + 2], 16)

    xor_bytes = bytearray(t ^ xor_key for t in bytes_array)
    decoded_xor = xor_bytes.decode('utf-8')

    options = FirefoxOptions()
    driver = webdriver.Firefox(service=FirefoxService(webdriver_path), options=options)

        var chrStub = document.createElement("div"); = "_chr_";

    fixed_xor = repr(decoded_xor).replace("`", "\\`")

    k = driver.execute_script(f"""
        try {{
            return eval(`{fixed_xor[1:-1]}`);
        }} catch (e) {{
            return e;


    return k

5.2. Add line to Dockerfile before pip install RUN apk add --no-cache firefox 5.3. Create .dockerignore if not exists and add this line webdriver

6. Provide feedback or just react to this comment via emoji

Good luck!

P.S. Proof of work: image

I did everything as you wrote, but it doesn't work for me, the screenshot is below.


headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

On my way to create a fork...

headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

Here is an all-in-one solution for Windows, Linux and Dockerю Since we use Selenium, the startup will take longer than now, but it's more stable than parsing every time JS code.

MVEProjects commented 2 weeks ago

Вот комплексное решение для Windows, Linux и dockerю Поскольку мы используем Selenium, запуск займет больше времени, чем сейчас, но это более стабильно, чем разбор JS-кода каждый раз.

Everything is fine, but now I get an error:

2024-06-13 23:53:37 | ERROR | 129 - tapswap | Unknown error while getting Access Token: Message: Invalid Host header localhost:41239

general12345 commented 2 weeks ago


headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

Added a few commits

MVEProjects commented 2 weeks ago

Added a few commits

It still gives an error(

2024-06-14 00:14:53 | ERROR | 129 - tapswap | Unknown error while getting Access Token: Message: Invalid Host header localhost:38547

headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

@MVEProjects please make sure that you updated the headers from my branch

MVEProjects commented 2 weeks ago

@MVEProjects please make sure that you updated the headers from my branch

import os
import asyncio
from typing import Union

from pyrogram import Client
from pyrogram.types import Message

from bot.utils.emojis import num, StaticEmoji
from bot.utils import logger
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import pathlib
import shutil
from selenium import webdriver

if == "posix":
    from selenium.webdriver.firefox.service import Service as FirefoxService
    from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options as FirefoxOptions
    from webdriver_manager.firefox import GeckoDriverManager

    web_options = FirefoxOptions
    web_service = FirefoxService
    web_manager = GeckoDriverManager
    from import Service as ChromeService
    from import Options as ChromeOptions
    from import ChromeDriverManager

    web_options = ChromeOptions
    web_service = ChromeService
    web_manager = ChromeDriverManager

if not pathlib.Path("webdriver").exists() or len(list(pathlib.Path("webdriver").iterdir())) == 0:"Downloading webdriver. It may take some time...")
    pathlib.Path("webdriver").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    webdriver_path = pathlib.Path(web_manager().install())
    shutil.move(webdriver_path, f"webdriver/{}")"Webdriver downloaded successfully")

webdriver_path = next(pathlib.Path("webdriver").iterdir()).as_posix()

def get_command_args(
        message: Union[Message, str],
        command: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
        prefixes: str = "/",
) -> str:
    if isinstance(message, str):
        return message.split(f"{prefixes}{command}", maxsplit=1)[-1].strip()
    if isinstance(command, str):
        args = message.text.split(f"{prefixes}{command}", maxsplit=1)[-1].strip()
        return args
    elif isinstance(command, list):
        for cmd in command:
            args = message.text.split(f"{prefixes}{cmd}", maxsplit=1)[-1]
            if args != message.text:
                return args.strip()
    return ""

def with_args(text: str):
    def decorator(func):
        async def wrapped(client: Client, message: Message):
            if message.text and len(message.text.split()) == 1:
                await message.edit(f"<emoji id=5210952531676504517>❌</emoji>{text}")
                return await func(client, message)

        return wrapped

    return decorator

def get_help_text():
    return f"""<b>
{StaticEmoji.FLAG} [Demo version]

{num(1)} /help - Displays all available commands
{num(2)} /tap [on|start, off|stop] - Starts or stops the tapper


async def stop_tasks(client: Client = None) -> None:
    if client:
        all_tasks = asyncio.all_tasks(loop=client.loop)
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        all_tasks = asyncio.all_tasks(loop=loop)

    clicker_tasks = [task for task in all_tasks
                     if isinstance(task, asyncio.Task) and task._coro.__name__ == 'run_tapper']

    for task in clicker_tasks:

def escape_html(text: str) -> str:
    return text.replace('<', '\\<').replace('>', '\\>')

def extract_chq(chq: str) -> int:
    options = web_options()
    driver = webdriver.Firefox(service=web_service(webdriver_path), options=options)

    chq_length = len(chq)

    bytes_array = bytearray(chq_length // 2)
    xor_key = 157

    for i in range(0, chq_length, 2):
        bytes_array[i // 2] = int(chq[i:i + 2], 16)

    xor_bytes = bytearray(t ^ xor_key for t in bytes_array)
    decoded_xor = xor_bytes.decode('utf-8')

        var chrStub = document.createElement("div"); = "_chr_";

    fixed_xor = repr(decoded_xor).replace("`", "\\`")

    k = driver.execute_script(f"""
        try {{
            return eval(`{fixed_xor[1:-1]}`);
        }} catch (e) {{
            return e;


    return k
headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

@MVEProjects I mean the file in bot/core/

MVEProjects commented 2 weeks ago

@MVEProjects Я имею в виду файл в bot/core/

I can't figure out how, what does this have to do with it, if the error refers to the ip address, that it can't reach something and even the port is specified

headers = {
    'Accept': '*/*',
    'Accept-Language': 'ru-RU,ru;q=0.9',
    'Connection': 'keep-alive',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Origin': '',
    'Referer': '',
    'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty',
    'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
    'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'cross-site',
    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36',
    'Sec-Ch-Ua': '"Google Chrome";v="125", "Chromium";v="125", "Not.A/Brand";v="24"',
    'Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile': '?1',
    'Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform': '"Android"',
    'X-App': 'tapswap_server',
    'X-Cv': '624',
    'X-bot': 'no'
faerhjio0gase commented 2 weeks ago

@MVEProjectsЯ имею в виду файл в bot/core/

I downloaded from your repository

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Glo\Desktop\Tap22\", line 4, in from bot.utils.launcher import process File "C:\Users\Glo\Desktop\Tap22\bot\", line 2, in from . import launcher File "C:\Users\Glo\Desktop\Tap22\bot\utils\", line 10, in from bot.config import settings File "C:\Users\Glo\Desktop\Tap22\bot\", line 1, in from .config import settings File "C:\Users\Glo\Desktop\Tap22\bot\config\", line 31, in settings = Settings() ^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\Glo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pydantic_settings\", line 84, in init super().init( File "C:\Users\Glo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pydantic\", line 171, in init self.pydantic_validator__.validate_python(data, self_instance=self) pydantic_core._pydantic_core.ValidationError: 2 validation errors for Settings API_ID Field required [type=missing, input_value={}, input_type=dict] For further information visit API_HASH Field required [type=missing, input_value={}, input_type=dict] For further information visit

MVEProjects commented 2 weeks ago

@MVEProjects Я имею в виду файл в bot/core/

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/TAPSWAP/bot/core/", line 113, in login
    chq_result = extract_chq(chq=chq)
  File "/home/TAPSWAP/bot/utils/", line 110, in extract_chq
    driver = webdriver.Firefox(service=web_service(webdriver_path), options=options)
  File "/home/TAPSWAP/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/firefox/", line 71, in __init__
    super().__init__(command_executor=executor, options=options)
  File "/home/TAPSWAP/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 208, in __init__
  File "/home/TAPSWAP/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 292, in start_session
    response = self.execute(Command.NEW_SESSION, caps)["value"]
  File "/home/TAPSWAP/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 347, in execute
  File "/home/TAPSWAP/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 229, in check_response
    raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Invalid Host header localhost:48647
headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

@MVEProjects Oh you're on Linux. please check out these commands:

apt install software-properties-common

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa

echo '
Package: *
Pin: release o=LP-PPA-mozillateam
Pin-Priority: 1001
' | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/mozilla-firefox

echo 'Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins:: "LP-PPA-mozillateam:${distro_codename}";' | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/51unattended-upgrades-firefox

sudo apt install firefox
faerhjio0gase commented 2 weeks ago

@MVEProjectsЯ имею в виду файл в bot/core/

I downloaded from your repository

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Glo\Desktop\Tap22\", line 4, in from bot.utils.launcher import process File "C:\Users\Glo\Desktop\Tap22\bot\", line 2, in from . import launcher File "C:\Users\Glo\Desktop\Tap22\bot\utils\", line 10, in from bot.config import settings File "C:\Users\Glo\Desktop\Tap22\bot\", line 1, in from .config import settings File "C:\Users\Glo\Desktop\Tap22\bot\config\", line 31, in settings = Settings() ^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\Glo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pydantic_settings\", line 84, in init super().init( File "C:\Users\Glo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pydantic\", line 171, in init self.pydantic_validator.validate_python(data, self_instance=self) pydantic_core._pydantic_core.ValidationError: 2 validation errors for Settings API_ID Field required [type=missing, input_value={}, input_type=dict] For further information visit API_HASH Field required [type=missing, input_value={}, input_type=dict] For further information visit

Help with Windows PLS

headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

@faerhjio0gase have you copied my branch? Looks like you have issues with settings itself

MVEProjects commented 2 weeks ago

@MVEProjects О, вы в Linux. пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с этими командами:

apt install software-properties-common

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa

echo '
Package: *
Pin: release o=LP-PPA-mozillateam
Pin-Priority: 1001
' | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/mozilla-firefox

echo 'Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins:: "LP-PPA-mozillateam:${distro_codename}";' | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/51unattended-upgrades-firefox

sudo apt install firefox

Firefox and what is above has already been installed, it was automatically installed from snap, because Ubuntu 24.04, apparently this is not the problem, it cannot connect to the driver, it has already thrown the error above

headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

Looks like an issue with selenium. You could try playwright

alirezaalaeifaradonbeh commented 2 weeks ago

working so fine. thank you brother. @headNbyte

headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

@alirezaalaeifaradonbeh I have updated the branch. The issue is with the Chrome/Firefox while authenticating. Currently, it does not close the browser, but I will fix this soon.

MrChiz commented 2 weeks ago

ممنون :) درست کردم در ورود دوم باید bot_key: "app_bot_0" را نیز ارسال کنید.

من این تغییرات را انجام دادم: extract_chq را به کلاس Tapper منتقل کردم

    async def extract_chq(self, http_client:aiohttp.ClientSession, chq: str) -> int:
        retry_count = 0
        while True:
                chr_response = await http_client.get( f"{chq}")
                chr_text = await chr_response.text()
                chr_value = int('\d+', chr_text).group())
                return chr_value
            except Exception as error:
                logger.error(f"{self.session_name} | Failed solving chq: {error} | "
                            f"Response text: {escape_html(chr_text)[:128]}...")

                if retry_count > 5:
                    return None

                retry_count += 1

و لاگین دوم را به این صورت تغییر داد:

                chq_result = await self.extract_chq(http_client=http_client, chq=chq)

                response = await'',
                                                  json={"chr": chq_result, "init_data": tg_web_data, "referrer": "", "bot_key":"app_bot_0"})

همچنین به یاد داشته باشید که import reدر ابتدا را اضافه کنید

می توانید تفاوت را در اینجا بررسی کنید: d452f7d

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/root/vps-venv/TapSwapBot/", line 4, in from bot.utils.launcher import process File "/root/vps-venv/TapSwapBot/bot/utils/", line 2, in from . import launcher File "/root/vps-venv/TapSwapBot/bot/utils/", line 12, in from bot.core.tapper import run_tapper File "/root/vps-venv/TapSwapBot/bot/core/", line 120 async def extract_chq(self, http_client:aiohttp.ClientSession, chq: str) -> int: ^ IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

@MrChiz you have indentation issues. Probably it's because you have non-English locale

faerhjio0gase commented 2 weeks ago

Here is an all-in-one solution for Windows, Linux and Dockerю Since we use Selenium, the startup will take longer than now, but it's more stable than parsing every time JS code.

it works for me thanks

headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

Hey all! I have updated the branch, now Chrome/Firefox get's turned off once all sessions are logged in, After 1800 seconds when the token expires it fires again the Chrome and closes after it.


alirezaalaeifaradonbeh commented 2 weeks ago

@headNbyte GREAT things. also if you have a free time to do that you can add a new feature to buy "tapbot" item automatically . its have a simple mechanism like others boosting items, but also its crucial. thank you so much

headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

@alirezaalaeifaradonbeh I disappear in shadows when everything works and spawn once something breaks :D

alirezaalaeifaradonbeh commented 2 weeks ago

allright , you are really talented Bro . thank you again. @headNbyte

headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

@alirezaalaeifaradonbeh thank you for your warm words.

masudscloud commented 2 weeks ago

Hahahaha, the sweetness! Now the code changes every time ;)

Pass your CHQ, to get the CHR! Example:

I'm worried about the server capacity.

Turning this off now due to server capacity. A similar approach is used by @headNbyte. Please use this now:

Good luck amazing folks! I'll be there when we face a new issue again.

headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

@MasudsCloud I thought that it may happen when was rewriting the parsing logic. Back then I was telling my friend that it's useless task and we should somehow run the JS code. But had no luck with js2py and other similar libs. Also, there was an issue that stopped me from implementing the Selenium/playwright logic. The problem is in the Python and JS itself, in the way how they parse and build strings, if we just sent the decoded string into Selenium, the code will fail since there are special characters and slashes, so repr() does not solve the issue and we are forced to use JS eval with our JS code as a string with replaced "`" characters. You don't imagine how hard it was to find a workaround.

amirhossein-fzl commented 2 weeks ago

me too!

حاجی چجوری توی اپلیکیشن ساختین؟ واسه من ERROR میده ...

masudscloud commented 2 weeks ago

@MasudsCloud I thought that it may happen when was rewriting the parsing logic. Back then I was telling my friend that it's useless task and we should somehow run the JS code. But had no luck with js2py and other similar libs. Also, there was an issue that stopped me from implementing the Selenium/playwright logic. The problem is in the Python and JS itself, in the way how they parse and build strings, if we just sent the decoded string into Selenium, the code will fail since there are special characters and slashes, so repr() does not solve the issue and we are forced to use JS eval with our JS code as a string with replaced "`" characters. You don't imagine how hard it was to find a workaround.

You did an excellent job! By the way, I can imagine how hard it was for you. I used to keep programming for 10+ hours continuously with my ultra-fast hand to resolve this issue. Your and my approach is almost similar, though you made it possible using Selenium and Python. I used JSDOM & PHP. I proxified the modified .js file and then got the generated var from the script itself. You're doing eval and capturing the value.

Tapswap team will now read these comments and again change their algorithm. (lol)

headNbyte commented 2 weeks ago

@MasudsCloud it's a funny battle