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sudo not found #93

Open genius12edf opened 1 week ago

genius12edf commented 1 week ago

![Uploading Screenshot (293).png…]()

kamranmt21 commented 1 week ago

The screenshot you shared is not here. but I guess you are using Termux and your phone is not rooted.

You can install tsu package, so sudo command will be added: pkg install tsu

but after that, as your phone is not rooted, you will get this error:

No superuser binary detected.
Are you rooted?

So, you need to simply remove sudo from every command you are running. I think your problem is with running the file so you need to run its commands manually and remove sudo from the beginning of each line.

I did this for you:

# Update package list and install prerequisites

echo "Updating package list and installing prerequisites..."
apt update
apt install -y software-properties-common

# Add Mozilla Team PPA
echo "Adding Mozilla Team PPA..."
add-apt-repository -y ppa:mozillateam/ppa

# Set package pinning preferences
echo "Setting package pinning preferences..."
tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/mozilla-firefox <<EOF
Package: *
Pin: release o=LP-PPA-mozillateam
Pin-Priority: 1001

# Configure unattended upgrades for Mozilla Team PPA
echo "Configuring unattended upgrades for Mozilla Team PPA..."
tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/51unattended-upgrades-firefox <<EOF
Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins:: "LP-PPA-mozillateam:\${distro_codename}";

# Update package list again and install Firefox
echo "Updating package list and installing Firefox..."
apt update
apt install -y firefox

echo "Installation complete!"

So, instead of running this: sh copy the code I sent above and paste in Termux.