shane0 / cheatsheets

linux, python, js, postgres and some other snippets...
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cucumber #16

Open shane0 opened 1 year ago

shane0 commented 1 year ago

check web

Feature: Web Scraper

  Scenario Outline: Scrape a Webpage for Content
    Given I navigate to "<url>"
    When I scrape the webpage for "<regex>"
    Then I should see the following data table:
      | Matched Content |
      | <expected>      |

      | url                               | regex                                | expected                                    |
      | | Programming languages written in Python | Python, CPython, Jython, IronPython, Stackless |
from behave import given, when, then
import requests
import re

@given('I navigate to "{url}"')
def navigate_to_url(context, url):
    context.response = requests.get(url)

@when('I scrape the webpage for "{regex}"')
def scrape_webpage(context, regex):
    pattern = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE)
    matches = pattern.findall(context.response.text)
    context.scraped_data = matches

@then('I should see the following data table:')
def assert_data_table(context):
    expected_data = [row['Matched Content'] for row in context.table]
    assert context.scraped_data == expected_data, f"Expected {expected_data}, but got {context.scraped_data}"
shane0 commented 1 year ago

mock web

Feature: Scraping a website

  Scenario: Scraping a website for data
    Given I have a mock server running on "http://localhost:8000"
    And I have the following data table:
      | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
      | value 1  | value 2  | value 3  |
    When I scrape the website "http://localhost:8000/data"
    Then I should see the following values in the response:
      | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
      | value 1  | value 2  | value 3  |
import responses

def test_scraping_website(context):
    # Set up the mock response
    responses.add(responses.GET, 'http://localhost:8000/data',
                  json=[{"Column 1": "value 1", "Column 2": "value 2", "Column 3": "value 3"}])

    # Run the test
    context.runner.invoke(scrape_website, ['http://localhost:8000/data'])

    # Assert that the response contains the expected values
    assert context.response == [{"Column 1": "value 1", "Column 2": "value 2", "Column 3": "value 3"}]
shane0 commented 1 year ago

mock mock mock

  - test

  BEHAVE_COMMAND: "behave -f progress2 --no-capture --tags=-skip --tags=mock"

  image: python:3.9
  stage: test
    - pip install -r requirements.txt
    - cd tests
Feature: Mock website

  Scenario: Verify homepage content
    Given the mock web server is running
    When a user visits the homepage
    Then the homepage should contain "Welcome to the mock website"
from behave import given, when, then, after
import requests
import subprocess
import re


@given("the mock web server is running")
def start_mock_server(context):
    context.mock_server_process = subprocess.Popen(["python", ""])
    context.mock_server_url = f"http://localhost:{MOCK_SERVER_PORT}"

@when("a user visits the homepage")
def visit_homepage(context):
    context.response = requests.get(context.mock_server_url)

@then("the homepage should contain {text}")
def verify_homepage_content(context, text):
    assert, context.response.text)

def stop_mock_server(context):
from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return '<html><body><h1>Welcome to the mock website</h1></body></html>'

if __name__ == '__main__':
shane0 commented 1 year ago

allow fail

  - build
  - test
  - deploy

  stage: build
    - echo "Building..."

  stage: test
    - echo "Running tests..."
    - exit 1  # simulate test failure
  allow_failure: true  # allow this job to fail

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploying..."
    - build
    - test
shane0 commented 1 year ago

break stage dependancy

  - build
  - test
  - deploy

    - echo "Building..."
  stage: build

    - echo "Testing..."
  stage: test
  needs: []

    - echo "Deploying..."
  stage: deploy
  needs: []

the test and deploy stages do not depend on any previous stages, so they will run even if the build stage fails.

shane0 commented 1 year ago

files exist and contain

Scenario: Verify file content
  Given the file "example.txt" exists
  When I read the file "example.txt"
  Then the file should contain the following data
    | expected_data | regex_match |
    | example data  | .*example.* |
from behave import given, when, then
import os
import re

@given("the file {filename} exists")
def step_file_exists(context, filename):
    assert os.path.exists(filename), f"{filename} does not exist"

@when("I read the file {filename}")
def step_read_file(context, filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        context.file_content =

@then("the file should contain the following data")
def step_check_file_content(context):
    expected_data = context.table
    for row in expected_data:
        expected_string = row['expected_data']
        assert, context.file_content), \
        f"{expected_string} not found in {context.file_content}"
shane0 commented 1 year ago

compare files

Feature: Verify files contain text that matches a regex pattern

  Scenario: Verify two files contain text that matches a regex pattern
    Given two file paths: "file1.txt" and "file2.txt"
    When I check if the files exist
    Then I verify that the files contain the text matching the regex pattern:
      ^This is a test file$
from behave import given, when, then
import os
import re

@given('two file paths: {file1_path} and {file2_path}')
def step_impl(context, file1_path, file2_path):
    context.file1_path = file1_path
    context.file2_path = file2_path

@when('I check if the files exist')
def step_impl(context):
    assert os.path.exists(context.file1_path), f"File {context.file1_path} does not exist"
    assert os.path.exists(context.file2_path), f"File {context.file2_path} does not exist"

@then('I verify that the files contain the text matching the regex pattern:')
def step_impl(context):
    pattern = re.compile(context.text)
    with open(context.file1_path, 'r') as file1:
        file1_contents =
        assert, f"File {context.file1_path} does not contain text matching pattern"
    with open(context.file2_path, 'r') as file2:
        file2_contents =
        assert, f"File {context.file2_path} does not contain text matching pattern"
shane0 commented 1 year ago


Feature: Test API Endpoint
    As a user
    I want to test the API endpoint
    So that I can ensure that it returns the correct data

    Scenario: GET Request to API Endpoint
        Given I have the endpoint URL ""
        When I make a GET request to the endpoint
        Then the response status code should be 200
        And the response body should contain "Hello, World!"
import requests
from behave import *

@given('I have the endpoint URL "{url}"')
def step_impl(context, url):
    context.url = url

@when('I make a GET request to the endpoint')
def step_impl(context):
    context.response = requests.get(context.url)

@then('the response status code should be {status_code:d}')
def step_impl(context, status_code):
    assert context.response.status_code == status_code

@then('the response body should contain "{text}"')
def step_impl(context, text):
    assert text in context.response.text
shane0 commented 1 year ago

api tables

Feature: API endpoint testing
  As a user
  I want to test the API endpoints
  So that I can ensure that they are working correctly

  Scenario: Test API endpoint
    Given the host is "<host>"
    When I send a GET request to the endpoint "<endpoint>"
    Then the response status code should be "<status_code>"
    And the response content should contain "<expected_content>"

      | host               | endpoint         | status_code | expected_content |
      | | /api/v1/users   | 200         | "John Doe"        |
      | | /api/v1/orders  | 404         | "Order not found" |
      | | /api/v1/products| 401         | "Unauthorized"    |
from behave import *

@given('the host is "{host}"')
def step_impl(context, host): = host

@when('I send a GET request to the endpoint "{endpoint}"')
def step_impl(context, endpoint):
    context.response = requests.get( + endpoint)

@then('the response status code should be "{status_code}"')
def step_impl(context, status_code):
    assert context.response.status_code == int(status_code)

@then('the response content should contain "{expected_content}"')
def step_impl(context, expected_content):
    assert expected_content in context.response.text
shane0 commented 1 year ago


# features/ping_hosts.feature

Feature: Ping Hosts
  As a user
  I want to ping a list of hosts
  So that I can verify that they are up and running

  Scenario Outline: Ping Hosts with IP Address
    Given I have a list of hosts
    When I ping each host
    Then the IP address of each host should match "<ip_address>"

      | host_name | ip_address |
      | | |
      | | |
      | | |
# steps/

import subprocess
from behave import *

@given('I have a list of hosts')
def step_impl(context):
    context.hosts = [row["host_name"] for row in context.table]

@when('I ping each host')
def step_impl(context):
    context.ip_addresses = []
    for host in context.hosts:
        output = subprocess.check_output(['ping', '-c', '1', host])
        ip_address = output.decode('utf-8').split('\n')[1].split()[3][1:-1]

@then('the IP address of each host should match "{ip_address}"')
def step_impl(context, ip_address):
    for i in range(len(context.hosts)):
        assert context.ip_addresses[i] == ip_address, f"IP address for {context.hosts[i]} does not match {ip_address}"
shane0 commented 1 year ago

another pinger

# features/ping_host.feature

Feature: Ping hosts and match IP addresses
    As a tester
    I want to verify that I can ping hosts and match IP addresses
    So that I can ensure the hosts are reachable and have the correct IP addresses

    Scenario Outline: Ping a host and match IP address
        Given I ping "<host>"
        Then the IP address should match "<ip_address>"

        | host              | ip_address    |
        |    ||
        |    |  |

# steps/

import subprocess
import re

from behave import given, then, use_step_matcher

# Define a custom step matcher to allow for variable substitution

@given('I ping "(.*)"')
def step_ping_host(context, host):
    # Use the subprocess module to execute the ping command and capture the output
    ping_output = subprocess.check_output(["ping", "-c", "1", host])

    # Save the ping output to the context so it can be used in subsequent steps
    context.ping_output = ping_output.decode('utf-8')

@then('the IP address should match "(.*)"')
def step_match_ip_address(context, ip_address):
    # Use a regular expression to extract the IP address from the ping output
    ip_pattern = r"(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})"
    match =, context.ping_output)
    if match:
        # If a match is found, compare it to the expected IP address
        assert == ip_address, f"IP address {} does not match expected {ip_address}"
        # If no match is found, fail the test
        assert False, "No IP address found in ping output"

# features/

def before_scenario(context, scenario):
    # Add any necessary environment setup here, such as installing required packages

def after_scenario(context, scenario):
    # Add any necessary environment cleanup here, such as deleting temporary files
shane0 commented 1 year ago

pass if there is no bad stuff found

Feature: Verify log files do not contain a regex match

  Scenario Outline: Verify log files do not contain a regex match
    Given I have a log file "<log_file>"
    And I have a regex pattern "<regex_pattern>"
    When I search for the pattern in the log file
    Then the log file should not contain the pattern

      | log_file            | regex_pattern |
      | /var/log/messages  | error         |
      | /var/log/syslog    | warning       |
from behave import given, when, then
import re

@given('I have a log file "{log_file}"')
def step_impl(context, log_file):
    context.log_file = log_file

@given('I have a regex pattern "{regex_pattern}"')
def step_impl(context, regex_pattern):
    context.regex_pattern = regex_pattern

@when('I search for the pattern in the log file')
def step_impl(context):
    with open(context.log_file, 'r') as f:
        context.log_content =

@then('the log file should not contain the pattern')
def step_impl(context):
    matches = re.findall(context.regex_pattern, context.log_content)
    assert not matches, f"Found {len(matches)} matches of pattern {context.regex_pattern} in {context.log_file}"