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theories #30

Open shane0 opened 1 year ago

shane0 commented 1 year ago

Sure, here is a table that lists some of the theories that suggest that the human mind creates the universe:

Theory Description
Idealism The physical world is an illusion created by the mind.
Solipsism The only thing that exists is the self.
Simulation hypothesis We are all living in a computer simulation.
Holographic universe The universe is a hologram, and our physical reality is a projection of this hologram.
Many-worlds interpretation There are an infinite number of universes, and our universe is just one of them.
Quantum mysticism Quantum mechanics suggests that the universe is not as it seems, and that our minds may play a more active role in shaping our experience of the world than we realize.

These are just a few of the theories that suggest that the human mind creates the universe. They are all controversial, but they offer a different perspective on the nature of reality. They suggest that the universe may not be as it seems, and that our minds may play a more active role in shaping our experience of the world than we realize.

shane0 commented 1 year ago

Sure, here is a table that lists some of the theories that suggest that the universe is not created by the human mind:

Theory Description
Materialism The physical world is all that exists.
Physicalism Everything that exists is physical, including the mind.
Naturalism The universe is governed by natural laws, and there is no supernatural realm.
Determinism Everything that happens in the universe is predetermined, and there is no free will.
Nihilism There is no meaning or purpose to life.
Absurdism Life is meaningless, but we can still find meaning in it by creating our own values.

These are just a few of the theories that suggest that the universe is not created by the human mind. They are all controversial, but they offer a different perspective on the nature of reality. They suggest that the universe may be more complex and mysterious than we can imagine, and that our minds may not be as powerful as we think they are.

It is important to note that these are just theories, and there is no way to know for sure which one is correct. The nature of reality is a mystery, and it is something that we may never fully understand.

shane0 commented 1 year ago

reality tunnels mind programming

shane0 commented 12 months ago

Certainly! Here's an updated table that includes matter, antimatter, energy, and anti-energy in the context of causes of motion:

Fundamental Force/Interaction Description Percentage
Gravity The force of attraction between particles with mass. It governs motion on a macroscopic scale. Deterministic - Virtually 100%
Electromagnetism The force that arises from the interaction between electrically charged particles. Deterministic - Virtually 100%
Weak Nuclear Force One of the fundamental forces responsible for certain types of nuclear decay and processes involving particles. Deterministic - Virtually 100%
Strong Nuclear Force The force that binds atomic nuclei together. Deterministic - Virtually 100%
Random Random motion or stochastic behavior observed at the quantum level, such as the behavior of subatomic particles. Probabilistic - Percentage varies
Matter Ordinary particles that make up the physical world, such as atoms and subatomic particles. Deterministic - Virtually 100%
Antimatter Particles that have the same mass as their corresponding matter particles but possess opposite charge. Deterministic - Virtually 100%
Energy The capacity to do work and cause motion. Deterministic - Virtually 100%
Anti-energy The theoretical concept of energy with an opposite sign, corresponding to antimatter. Deterministic - Virtually 100%

Please note that the percentages listed in the table indicate the deterministic nature of these forces and interactions in their respective contexts. However, it's important to remember that the behavior of particles and phenomena at the quantum level can exhibit probabilistic characteristics, governed by quantum mechanics.