shaneMangudi / bcrypt-nodejs

Native implementation of bcrypt for NodeJS
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genSalt rounds isn't optional #19

Open remy opened 11 years ago

remy commented 11 years ago

This line: shows that the rounds isn't optional, as the callback is checked without first checking that rounds wasn't passed in.

i.e. I'd expect the code to read (something like):

if (typeof rounds === 'function' && callback === undefined) {
  callback = rounds;
  rounds = 0;

// ...

So it can be called with bcrypt.genSalt(fn) (if rounds is really optional).

cjduncana commented 8 years ago

Hello @remy: Today, I just did a pull request that fixes this problem. It seems, though, that this repository is not being updated. The last commit was almost a year ago. I suggest that, in the meantime, you use my version of the repository: npm install --save When @shaneGirish accepts my pull request, I'll let you know so that you can go back t this repository.