shanejansen / touchstone

Touchstone is a testing framework for your services that focuses on component, end-to-end, and exploratory testing.
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Long-Running Touchstone Infrastructure #16

Open ScottFreeCode opened 3 years ago

ScottFreeCode commented 3 years ago

The slowest part of Touchstone tests is spinning up everything in Docker. While it's unlikely anything can be done about that for the services themselves, the mocks could likely be made long-running, provided some way to sandbox multiple instances of mock usage in the same container. Instead of spinning them up on demand Touchstone would have a client-server model in which an instance is running/managing mock containers and other instances connect to that.


Implementing this for Rabbit should be pretty easy. Virtual hosts! ${TS_RABBITMQ_VHOST} = randomized ID


MySQL could probably implement this as multiple databases. Multiple databases are already supported, only, their names are hardcoded. So it looks like this…



- name: a
  # any statements, or maybe migrations handle the main DB
- name: b
  # lots of statements

properties file



mysql.yml is the same

However, instead of using those names, a randomized ID is generated and used, and a variable TS_MYSQL_DB_<capitalized_name> is set to that ID.

properties file



If Wiremock supports using multiple ports and treating them like virtual hosts, then this is trivial, like Rabbit but without any change required for service configuration.

If not, there are a couple options:

Context Root

Instead of aiming at http://${TS_HTTP_HOST}:${TS_HTTP_PORT}/, aim at http://${TS_HTTP_HOST}:${TS_HTTP_PORT}/${TS_HTTP_ROOT} and a randomized ID (followed by /) for TS_HTTP_ROOT is used to sandbox all the mocks for a given instance. Plus, most services should be pointed at ${TS_HTTP_URL} anyway, which would get the root added to it without the service needing to be reconfigured at all!


Create a sandboxing root as above on the Wiremock side; however, for ease of use…

Stand up a simple routing server that sends each port to its respective root without needing to add the root to the URL.