Closed miaozhuang68 closed 1 year ago
The error message points out the symmetry operation not respected by the embedding center: it is an inversion with a shift containing 0.441034 for the third lattice component. This means that half of that i.e. 0.220517 would be invariant under that operation. Therefore, use 0 0 0.220517
as your embedding center.
Your PBS job file seems to be asking for one node with 16 processes, but JDFTx is running with a single process and 20 cores. This is very strange, and likely means there is some issue in your MPI build that is probably causing several independent JDFTx runs to happen in parallel (each taking up 20 cores?). Make sure the mpi module visible during run is identical to during the build. Also, use -c to jdftx to specify number of threads/process explicitly if things still don't launch correct process and thread counst after that.
Dear Shankar Thank you so much for your quick reply!
#PBS -q cluster1
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=56
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l walltime=100:00:00
export PATH=/home2/miaozhuang/software/jdftx-1.7.0/build:/home2/miaozhuang/software/jdftx-1.7.0/jdftx/scripts:$PATH export PATH=/home2/miaozhuang/software/gsl/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home2/miaozhuang/software/gsl/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
mpirun -np 9 -hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE jdftx -c 6 -i -o output.out
and the bad thing is I tried using this command directly without using the task management system,
`mpirun -n 4 jdftx -i | tee Simpi.out`
But it still prompts me that there is only 1 process at the beginning of the .out file
```Running on hosts (process indices): node21 (0)
Divided in process groups (process indices): 0 (0)
Resource initialization completed at t[s]: 0.00
Run totals: 1 processes, 20 threads, 0 GPUs
Best, Jam
In your current case, that was the center of inversion symmetry of your slab, since you had one for the bare slab. If you add an adsorbate, you will break the inversion symmetry anyway, so it won't matter where you precisely put it. Anywhere near the geometric center of the slab (+ adsorbate) should be fine.
I'm not very familiar with PBS (always used SLURM), but that looks correct for 9 processes with 6 threads each, and that should be a good choice for a system with nStates (number of reduced k) = 9.
If you still get 1 process reported, you definitely have an MPI compilation/run issue. Typically, this results from having a different MPI implementation used when you compiled the program and when you run it. I'd recommend recompiling JDFTx and paying close attention to which MPI modules are loaded, and confirming MPI reported by cmake is consistent with what you expected based on the modules. Then, make sure you use the same module environment when running.
Best, Shankar
Dear Shankar, Thanks again for your serious reply!
13 13 13
, Because the volume of Bulk lattice is much smaller than that of Slab. INPOS files are derived from VASP-optimized CONTCAR.
include contcar.lattice
include contcar.ionpos
ion-species GBRV/$ID_pbesol.uspp
elec-cutoff 20 100
elec-ex-corr-compare gga-x-optb88-vdw gga-c-pbe kpoint-folding 7 7 1
elec-smearing Gauss 0.1 electronic-SCF
dump-name Vacuum.$VAR dump End State IonicPositions Ecomponents
Check the lattice vectors and make sure they are in columns of the 3x3 matrix in the lattice
command, rather than in rows as VASP expects. That is the most common error in converting VASP to JDFTx geometries.
Other than that I don't see any obvious issues in your input. If your lattice is fine, test the surface energy with PBE before this less common functional. Also, make sure you used the same functional consistently throughout.
One final thing, your libxc functional has vdw in the name, which suggests it is expecting some nonlocal vdW functional to be added. If so, that is not happening automatically in JDFTx. If you need vdw corrections, use DFT-D2 or DFT-D3: see documentation of command van-der-waals
Best, Shankar
Dear Shankar, My surface energy calculations became correct by replacing with PAW pseudopotentials, thanks for your helpful advice! My next calculation is to calculate the electrochemical potential of the vacuum surface, but I seem to get a picture that fluctuates too much and has no stable potential, My conversion script is as follows, which is changed according to your script on JDFTx official website:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
S = [ 56, 56, 320]
L = [ 12.0866874,12.0866874,68.030135583 ]
z = np.arange(S[2])*L[2]/S[2]
def readPlanarlyAveraged(fileName, S):
out = np.fromfile(fileName, dtype=np.float64)
out = np.reshape(out, S)
out = np.mean(out, axis=1)
out = np.mean(out, axis=0)
return out
dVacuum = readPlanarlyAveraged('Vacuum.d_tot',S)
dShift = dVacuum
print ("VBMshift =", dShift[0]*27.2114)
plt.plot(z*0.529, dShift*27.2114);
plt.xlabel('z [Angstroms]')
plt.ylabel('Potential [eV]')
plt.xlim([0, L[2]/2*0.529])
Dear Shankar, My surface energy calculations became correct by replacing with PAW pseudopotentials, thanks for your helpful advice!
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
S = [ 56, 56, 320]
L = [ 12.0866874,12.0866874,68.030135583 ]
z = np.arange(S[2])*L[2]/S[2]
def readPlanarlyAveraged(fileName, S):
out = np.fromfile(fileName, dtype=np.float64)
out = np.reshape(out, S)
out = np.mean(out, axis=1)
out = np.mean(out, axis=0)
return out
dVacuum = readPlanarlyAveraged('Vacuum.d_tot',S) dShift = dVacuum
print ("VBMshift =", dShift[0]27.2114)
plt.plot(z0.529, dShift27.2114);
plt.xlabel('z [Angstroms]')
plt.ylabel('Potential [eV]')
plt.xlim([0, L[2]0.529])
2. I use optb88-vdw here to correct vdw because we used this function in VASP to correct vdw and got good results. According to your instructions I tried adding `van-der-waals D3` in my input file, but the output is as follows:
Initializing DFT-D3 calculator:
DFT-D3 parameterization not available for gga-optb88-vdw functional.
End date and time: Thu Jun 15 15:04:48 2023 (Duration: 0-0:00:00.30) Failed.
PAW pseudopotentials are not supported by JDFTx: make sure you use norm-conserving or ultrasoft ones.
That electrostatic potential profile with the parabolic behavior in the vacuum region, instead of exponential decay, indicates that your slab is charged for some reason. Looking back at your input, it is likely the 0.1 Hartree Gaussian smearing: that very large smearing could be causing free states outside the slab to be occupied. Generally, 0.01 Hartrees is the largest smearing that tends to be sensible for metals. Perhaps, there was a mixup here between eV input in VASP and Hartrees here?
And for the vdw, yes, you cannot use opt-b88-vdw with D3; that is meant to be used with a different type of electronic vdw functional not implemented in JDFTx. If you need vdw to be included, use PBE+D3, or check other functionals supported by D3 in the DFT-D3 paper.
Best, Shankar
Dear Shankar, Sorry for the typo, I was using a gauge conservation pseudopotential. According to your instructions, I made the Gauss Smearing smaller, and the problem was solved; and I used the combination of PBE+vdw D3, and the calculation has been very smooth so far. Thank you for your quick and serious reply under this post, now I have some basic concepts about using JDFTx, thank you again! Best, Jam
Great, glad that fixed the issue!
hi dear shankar I have some problems using tag:coulomb-truncation-embed. states that
I'm a beginner in JDFTx and I know you've answered several questions about choosing a Coulomb truncation embedding center, but I tried using (0 0 0) (0 0 0.180184) (0 0 0.5) (0 0 0.72903399) , they are the default value, the middle coordinates of the bottom atom and the top atom, the middle coordinate of the whole cell, and the middle coordinate of the top atom from the first layer atom of the previous cell. I don't know what problem I'm having, thank you very much for your answer! My entire input file is as follows: I have re-uploaded this file because the original version contained VASP related files
And in the PBS management system, the load of my task is even higher than the ncpu value, the screenshot is as follows