shannonmoeller / gulp-hb

A sane Gulp plugin to compile Handlebars templates. Useful as a static site generator.
MIT License
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Difficulties with gulp-front-matter #25

Closed leocreatini closed 8 years ago

leocreatini commented 8 years ago

Hi Shannon, I know this is a bit of a tangent from gulp-hb, however, I've been struggling with incorporating frontMatter and layouts for a day now and could use your expertise.

I can get the *.hbs to compile with their data, however there's a 'layout' property in the front-matter that should wrap the generated html with the layout template.

gulp.task('html', function() {
    var hbOptions = {
        helpers: [
        partials: [
        file: true
    }; //hbOptions

    var fmOptions = {
        remove: true
    }; //fmOptions

    return gulp
        .pipe( fm(fmOptions) )
        .pipe( hb(hbOptions) )
        .pipe( rename( {extname: '.html'} ))
        .pipe( gulp.dest(paths.dir.test + paths.dir.dist) );
}); //html

This is all a bit new to me, I'm more used to Angular -- any help would be greatly appreciated!

shannonmoeller commented 8 years ago

@leocreatini Did you find a solution? The front-matter module doesn't automatically handle layouts. Looks like you might be using handlebars-layouts. If so, you could do this:

layout: name/of/layout
{{#extend file.frontMatter.layout}}

But I generally prefer to skip using frontMatter for that and just use the layout name directly.

leocreatini commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the reply. Sort of found a solution, I am in the process of hacking together a gulp assemble into its own plugin. The hb package has been wonderful for the page, yet piping the layout afterwards via assemble's manner with the {{> body }} syntax was a hassle.

Ended up using front-matter, finding the page's layout, doing regex to replace the {{> body }} with the content.body, compiling the layout, then buffering it back out.

It was an eventful weekend :)