shannonmoeller / gulp-hb

A sane Gulp plugin to compile Handlebars templates. Useful as a static site generator.
MIT License
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Name parsing with 3.0+ / handlebars-wax #34

Closed loremipson closed 8 years ago

loremipson commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to upgrade from 2.6.5 to 4.0.3

The parsePartialName(), etc. functions seem to be a little different. I've checked the handlebars-wax. I don't think the file.exports will work out well in my situation, so what I can do is run replacements on file.path:

parsePartialName: function(file){
    return file.path.replace(file.base, '');

The problem here is that I'm passing an array as my hb partials, ie:

    partials: ['./something/**/*.hbs', './somethingElse/**/*.hbs']

And only the partials in the first array index are having my "replacement" applied, rather than all of them.

Is the problem here that I'm passing an array? Should I now be using the .partials('./something/**/*').partials('./somethingElse/**/*')? Or should an array still be fine?

shannonmoeller commented 8 years ago

You hit the nail on the head. Using the .partial() method, etc, is recommended when globbing multiple directories.

Arrays work a little differently now due to a change to the require-glob module. Files get a base path based on the non-globbed portion of the first pattern in a give array.

loremipson commented 8 years ago

Excellent, thank you. I figured, but it isn't simple for me to try that out currently. I'm passing the values to hb() via a project configuration file.. So I'll need to figure that out, but that's clearly on my end.

Thanks again.

shannonmoeller commented 8 years ago

I'll be addressing that issue when I incorporate this update into grunt-hb. I'm planning to use a pattern like this:

  partials: [
      pattern: './something/**/*.hbs'
      pattern: ['./something/**/*.hbs', '!**/layout.hbs'],
      cwd: __dirname

Each option in the array would count as a call to the .partial() method. It's a really awkward syntax which I why I don't plan to expose it here, and prefer to point people to the fluent api.
