shannonmoeller / handlebars-layouts

Handlebars helpers which implement layout blocks similar to Jinja, Nunjucks (Swig), Pug (Jade), and Twig.
MIT License
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Expose 'helpers' publicly #10

Closed kflorence closed 10 years ago

kflorence commented 10 years ago

It would be nice of layouts.helpers was exposed for public consumption so it can be registered how and when the user sees fit.

shannonmoeller commented 10 years ago

Can you provide a use case where this would be helpful? The helpers all work together. Only registering a subset would lead to errors. Also, they may be registered as needed by passing in an instance of Handlebars.

kflorence commented 10 years ago

@shannonmoeller I figured out a way to do this using the Assemble "register" syntax. On a side note, I really wish I'd found your repo before creating this: -- I'm going to use yours instead and figure out a way of removing mine from npm :)

shannonmoeller commented 10 years ago

Glad this worked out for you and that my gulp-hb plugin was helpful too.