Currently, when you search for a movie that has a less than perfect bechdel score, it offers suggestions based on a movie with all three of:
a higher Bechdel score
a higher IMDB score
a higher Tomato score
But some movies with a bad Bechdel score but a high IMDB / Tomato score (Toy Story, for instance) will be impossible to match all three criteria. Allowing some flexibility when there are no matches would improve diversity of suggestions. For example, the system could take into account:
Currently, when you search for a movie that has a less than perfect bechdel score, it offers suggestions based on a movie with all three of:
But some movies with a bad Bechdel score but a high IMDB / Tomato score (Toy Story, for instance) will be impossible to match all three criteria. Allowing some flexibility when there are no matches would improve diversity of suggestions. For example, the system could take into account: