shanselman / PowerPointToOBSSceneSwitcher

A .NET core based scene switcher than connects to OBS and changes scenes based note meta data. Put "OBS:Your Scene Name" as the first line in your notes and ensure the OBS Web Sockets Server is running and this app will change your scene as you change your PowerPoint slides
MIT License
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Mac support #10

Open nickboucart opened 4 years ago

nickboucart commented 4 years ago

I watched your video and was really energised by it. Is it possible to use this code on Mac? I have no experience with .Net

Thanks! Nick

shanselman commented 3 years ago

I am not sure how it could, I'm afraid. This uses COM Automation which is a Windows thing. Is there a Mac Office equivalent way to talk to/automate the Office apps like PowerPoint?

Alyss-Swanson commented 3 years ago

In your excellent video describing the creative process behind you PowerPointToObsSwitcher you mentioned that you might also supply a exe file for those of us less equipped to begin playing with it. Is that something that you are still intending to do? Thank you again for sharing. I would REALLY love to see this project move towards a PowerPoint Add-In. As such it would be amazing to read the OBS Scene Collection and present it as a menu in ppt and where a scene can be selected and stored on a slide-by-slide basis.

tvanyo commented 3 years ago

@nickboucart, I also wanted a macOS implementation, so I took a shot. You can find the repository here. Uses Applescript and python, tested against PowerPoint 16.44. Comments welcome there, willing to fix anything you might find wrong.

Thanks, @shanselman, for the inspiration. My spouse likes puzzles, but I prefer a challenge like this. It's a puzzle of sorts.