shanselman / SmallestDotNet

SmallestDotNet - is a single page site that does one thing. It tells you the smallest, easiest download you'd need to get the .NET Framework on your system.
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Installer gives unexpectedly large file-size estimate #42

Open kaugnebulixo opened 9 years ago

kaugnebulixo commented 9 years ago

It said "You have .NET 4.0 Client Profile, this is a recent version of .NET", so I was expecting a small download, when I opened the 4.5.2 web installer the site linked me to, I ran the web installer and it said "Download Size Estimate: 102MB" (the offline installer was only 66MB so I used that)

I have a suspicion that the problem is with the installer and not your site, but even if the problem is just the installer overestimating, I believe some warning of this should be mentioned on the website.

"the [online].NET Framework is only between 28 and 66 megs"

"then calculated the total size if you chose to download the .NET Framework." I'm not sure whether it was supposed to give me this size estimate, but it didn't.

I hope the GitHub issues page is the appropriate place for me to post this.