shanselman / SmallestDotNet

SmallestDotNet - is a single page site that does one thing. It tells you the smallest, easiest download you'd need to get the .NET Framework on your system.
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Exact Version 4.6.2 undeterminable #78

Closed wiedemannp closed 7 years ago

wiedemannp commented 7 years ago

The .Net Checker application determined that you have 4.6.2 Preview or greater on your machine. The application was not able to determine the exact version you have. Please log an issue including this information: releaseKey=394802 so we can get it exact in the future.

fmorriso commented 7 years ago

same for releaseKey=394806, as presented by the following PowerShell script:

Set-Location 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\V4\Full' [PSCustomObject] $obj = Get-ItemProperty -Path . -Name @('Version', 'Release') Write-Host ('Version={0}, Release={1}' -f $obj.Version, $obj.Release)

consult for interpretation