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How do you level out your own self-expectations? #108

Closed snickler closed 6 years ago

snickler commented 6 years ago

Hi Scott!

I've been wondering how you're able to level out your own self-expectations. I have the tendency to feel like I need to be at a specific point with my knowledge and experience, while usually feeling like what I'm doing is not enough. Is there a way to slow down someone who wants to go 0-100 every time?


shanselman commented 6 years ago

Man, I dunno. I look at other people out there (although often I'm comparing myself to people who don't have any life-stuff (kids, whatever) taking up their time) doing the most and I think I'm not doing the most. I have no answer for you. I need to learn Go, I need to learn Kubernetes, I need to up my Docker abilities, but I also want to hang out with my kids.