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RelationshipHacks - any updates/expected finish date? #123

Open mikeleigh1010 opened 6 years ago

mikeleigh1010 commented 6 years ago

Morning. Off dev topic but any ETA on the book you and your wife are co-writing? I really enjoyed the blog you wrote last year, presumably it will be similar content? Any EAP :P?

SeanKilleen commented 5 years ago

In one of Scott's latest posts, he mentions:

I'm going to try to finished my Relationship Hacks book in 2019. I've been sitting on it too long. I'm going to try to use blog posts to spur myself into action.

You can sign up for notifications on the book at the LeanPub site.

(I'm just passing through here but who could resist the temptation to try to answer one of Scott's AMAs? 😉 )