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Learn PowerShell or Bash? #87

Open michaelmello opened 6 years ago

michaelmello commented 6 years ago

As a life-long Windows Dev, I've managed to mostly avoid the command line. Lately I've been interested in digging into the terminal but I'm unsure which is the right path for me. My hardware is all Windows, day job is Windows, I guess it seems like an easy choice but with all the WSL talk, I'm a little intrigued about bash as well.

Which would you suggest and why?

LarsVonQualen commented 6 years ago

Why not just learn both? As a life-long windows dev, you will be able to pick up Powershell very quickly. Once you've done that Bash will your next challenge. The mindset of how you work with shell scripting in Linux is quite different than Windows, so it will require some getting used to, but it is really nice skills to master :)

Oh and both Powershell and Bash has awesome documentation and a litteral metric ton of Stackoverflow questions covering pretty much every scenario you might find yourself in :P

Another point, i keep finding more, is that working when you create shell scripts, you automatically automates a process, it's pretty awesome when you think about it. Now, i'm more of a Linux/macOS guy, but i do use Windows at my current client, and because i have written shell scripts for pretty much every aspect of our build pipeline, it's really easy to onboard new colleagues and a lot easier to maintain our CI pipelines!

I'm gonna stop rambling now :D