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On video games and VR/AR #90

Closed DanAtkinson closed 7 years ago

DanAtkinson commented 7 years ago

This is more of an off-the-clock question.

I'd also love to know your thoughts with regards VR/AR in general. Not specifically Rift vs Vive vs Hololens but more about the practical uses of it and how you see the technology developing in the medium term - say over the next five years. Miniaturization + spec increases are a given, but in terms of the features and functionality, what do you see as key areas and possible killer apps?

shanselman commented 7 years ago

Yes, I try to play games a few hours a week. I prefer my Xbox One, but I also have a Nintendo Switch. I also retrogame (I have a dozen from NES up) and build Mame consoles (I have 4 in various sizes) in my spare time.

I have an HTC Vive with the Audio Strap. Roomscale FTW. No hololens - too expensive!

I think that AR will be super useful for education as a visualization tool for stem.
