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How would you recommend #94

Open tidusjar opened 6 years ago

tidusjar commented 6 years ago

How would you recommend getting your name out there more and becoming more recognized as a .Net developer?

mattwarren commented 6 years ago

I'm sure that Scott will offer some more ideas, but for me writing a blog really worked!

Of that back of that I've appeared on Scott's podcast, spoken at conferences, had a chance to interact with Microsoft product teams and the other month I became an MVP. Honestly all that came about because I've consistently blogged (1 to 2 posts per/month) for about 2 years now.

I've also learnt a lot along the way and a nice side-effect is that I've become much better at communicating my ideas and thoughts.

tidusjar commented 6 years ago

Thanks @mattwarren I actually subscribe to your blog!

Thanks for the insight 😄

josephwoodward commented 6 years ago

+1 to what @mattwarren said. And also being active on Twitter/GitHub can help too.