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Do you believe that postgraduate education can improve a dev career significantly? #99

Closed malekatwiz closed 7 years ago

malekatwiz commented 7 years ago

Do you believe that getting a masters degree or even a Phd in computer science or software engineering can really boost up a software developer career? in two perspectives,

Can't someone self-taught or with a bachelor degree get to the same result?

shanselman commented 7 years ago

For me, that would only improve things if I was going into a research-heavy or academic environment. It might open doors but it wouldn't keep them open.

However, as I get older I realize that if I was going to move out of dev and into more management, that an MBA would like help my career.

If I was moving lower into compiler theory or language design, I could see that a PhD would help me keep up with my peers.

Sorry...this is a "it depends" answer. Hope it helps.