shantanoo-desai / komponist

A Composer for your favorite IoT/ IIoT container stacks with Ansible + Jinja2 + Docker Compose v2
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[telegraf] Configure and Setup Telegraf v1.x #47

Closed shantanoo-desai closed 1 year ago

shantanoo-desai commented 1 year ago


Introduce InfluxData telegraf v1.x to Komponist. With the new feature patch for Docker Secrets, it is now possible to use Docker Secrets mounted into a Telegraf container and use the secretsstore plugin for credentials access to other services in Komponist.

The values can be merged into the generated .env which will be picked up by core docker-compose.yml file.

flowchart LR
T[Telegraf] -->| outputs.influxdb | Iv1[InfluxDBv1]
T -->| outputs.influxdbv2 | Iv2[InfluxDBv2]
T --> | outputs.socket_writer | QDB[QuestDB]
MQTT[MQTT broker] -->| inputs.mqtt_consumer | T


shantanoo-desai commented 1 year ago


Introduction of telegraf will occur when 1.27.x releases in June

shantanoo-desai commented 1 year ago


Some requirements on configuring Telegraf Plugins are described as follows:

Input Plugins


Configuration Key Values in TOML File Related Env Var in .env
servers tcp://komponist_mosquitto:1883 N/A
topics Default values in conf/creds.yml N/A
username "@{komponist_secretstore:mqtt_username}" TELEGRAF_MQTT_USERNAME
password "@{komponist_secretstore:mqtt_password}" TELEGRAF_MQTT_USERNAME
data_format influx N/A

Output Plugins


Configuration Key Values in TOML File Related Env Var in .env
urls http://komponist_influxdbv1:8086 N/A
database "{{ credentials.influxdbv1.init_database }}" INFLUXDB_DB
username "@{komponist_secretstore:influxdb_user}" INFLUXDB_USER
password "@{komponist_secretstore:influxdb_user_password}" INFLUXDB_USER_PASSWORD


Configuration Key Values in TOML File Related Env Var in .env
urls http://komponist_influxdbv2:8087 N/A
token "@{komponist_secretstore:influxdbv2_admin_token}" DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ADMIN_TOKEN
organization "{{ credentials.influxdbv2.init_org }}" DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ORG
bucket "{{ credentials.influxdbv2.init_bucket }}" DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_BUCKET


For questdb

Configuration Key Values in TOML File Related Env Var in .env
urls tcp://komponist_questdb:9009 N/A