shanteacontrols / OpenDeck

Software and hardware platform for simpler building of MIDI controllers.
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LED not turning off #234

Closed devkon-at closed 10 months ago

devkon-at commented 11 months ago

I am testing an OpenDeck v2 (Firmware 7.5.4) with a LED Button (single color): Configured via USB - Web Config tool

Button is at ID 63 (R8 C8) LED is at ID 47 (R6 C8)

Button 63 Config: Latching Note Midi Channel 1 Midi ID 63 Value 127

LED 47 Config: color testing - off Activation ID: 63 RGB Enable OFF Control Type Local / Note (Single value) Activation value 127 MIDI channel 1

We would expect the LED to turn on and off when pressing the button but the Voltage only changes minimally (4.5V to 4.1V). Do you have any idea what the issue could be?

We also tried several other settings like changing the Activation Value via sending CC instead of Note but always wit the same outcome


paradajz commented 11 months ago

Which board revision exactly do you have?

flokoat commented 11 months ago

We used: OpenDeck board Revision: 2.2.1 2022.12

We also tried LED ID 0 (R1 C1) with same results.

The only time we could observer the LED to go dark (around 1V on startup) with this general LED setting enabled: Start-up animation ON Enables or disables LED animation when the device is powered on.

Here is our current configuration: Rotary Encoder (ID 0) working Analog 31 working Button 63 working LED 0 only jumping between 4.1V and 4.5V

paradajz commented 11 months ago

Sorry for the late reply. I have just tried this and couldn't reproduce. Have you maybe tried with different LED?

flokoat commented 10 months ago

It worked with a different LED, the butten with the built in LED also had an built in bridge rectifier which caused the problem. Thank you for your help!