shaoanlu / fewshot-face-translation-GAN

Generative adversarial networks integrating modules from FUNIT and SPADE for face-swapping.
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what's the purpose of the second discriminator? #10

Open bobofzhang opened 5 years ago

bobofzhang commented 5 years ago

hi, the first discriminator is for real/fake, what's the purpose of the second discriminator?

shaoanlu commented 5 years ago

To discriminate if the two input images belong to the same identity, i.e., for discriminating real/fake pairs.

bobofzhang commented 5 years ago

To discriminate if the two input images belong to the same identity, i.e., for discriminating real/fake pairs.

hi, since A and B are not belong to the same identity, for the second discriminator, there is no such "real" pairs, for training.

shaoanlu commented 5 years ago

There are actually real A pairs involved in training but are not shown in the README figure.