Open FreekBos opened 2 years ago
Sorry, I don't know why This is simple example. Hope to help you
Hi, thanks and I’ve done a couple of things: upgraded my entire infrastructure.
I ran your example too.
I have a number of YAML NodeRed->HomeAssistant sensor / switch (HA.txt).
Using mqtt to store values and using home assistant mqtt to read the value.
Here is 1 example:
- name: "house_h13_motion"
state_topic: "h13/home/house/motion/house"
device_class: motion
payload_on: "true"
payload_off: "false"
qos: 1
My NodeRed example is included for you to see…
Again, your work is super; it just needs more documentation for the “less knowlegdale” like myself 😉
Hope you can advise,
Van: Monkey • D • Code @.> Verzonden: dinsdag 5 juli 2022 04:52 Aan: shaonianzhentan/node-red-contrib-ha-mqtt @.> CC: Freek Bos @.>; Author @.> Onderwerp: Re: [shaonianzhentan/node-red-contrib-ha-mqtt] Hang of my mqtt-server (Issue #21)
Sorry, I don't know why This is simple example. Hope to help you
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binary_sensor:
Hi, Thanks for your nodes: the principle is brilliant! Super! When I try to implement this, my (mosquito centos7) mqtt server hangs. Any idea or documentation to prevent it? Thanks ever so much