shaoshengsong / DeepSORT

support deepsort and bytetrack MOT(Multi-object tracking) using yolov5 with C++
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mytracker.update(detections); 目标框>=4个的时候,这一步耗时非常严重 #7

Open xiakj opened 4 years ago

xiakj commented 4 years ago

检测框大于4个的时候,update步骤耗时严重。 具体定位到_match(detections, res)步骤里的linear_assignment::getInstance()->matching_cascade()耗时非常严重。但小于4个目标框时感觉不到耗时。 博主,这是什么原因?

xiakj commented 4 years ago

我定位到大部分耗时都发生在linear_assignment.cpp中的这句: Eigen::Matrix<float, -1, 2, Eigen::RowMajor> indices = HungarianOper::Solve(cost_matrix);

TheoLiu31 commented 1 year ago

Hey @xiakj, I came with the same problem, did you find your solution?