shaoshitong / EDC

Elucidated Dataset Condensation (NeurIPS 2024)
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CIFAR recover stage problems #2

Closed j-cyoung closed 2 weeks ago

j-cyoung commented 1 month ago

I encountered several problems during the reproduction process(

  1. lack of module name
# started from line 54
    for i, (_model_teacher) in enumerate(model_teacher):
        for name, module in _model_teacher.named_modules():
            if isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d):
            elif isinstance(module, nn.Conv2d):
                _hook_module = ConvFeatureHook(module, save_path=args.statistic_path,
                                               name=str(_model_teacher.__class__.__name__) + "=" + name,
                                               gpu=gpu, training_momentum=args.training_momentum, drop_rate=args.drop_rate)
                load_tag = load_tag & _hook_module.load_tag

In the initialization of BNFeatureHook, it requires name attribute.

  1. lack of targets name

In the pre_hook_fn and post_hook_fn of ConvFeatureHook class, the self.targets is needed, but the code in didn't set this attribute. I check the file and it set self.targets=targets in the loop below. And in the code of, this attribute wasn't set in the similar loop.

# from file
# started from line 171
            for j, _model_teacher in enumerate(model_teacher):
                if not load_tag_dict[j]:
                    print(f"conduct backbone {args.aux_teacher[j]} statistics")
                    for i, (data, targets) in tqdm(enumerate(train_loader)):
                        data = data.cuda(gpu)
                        targets = targets.cuda(gpu)
                        for _loss_t_feature_layer in loss_r_feature_layers[j]:
                            _loss_t_feature_layer.set_label(targets)    # <- set self.targets
                        _ = _model_teacher(data)

                    for _loss_t_feature_layer in loss_r_feature_layers[j]:

# started from line 244
            for mod in loss_r_feature_layers[id]:
                mod.set_label(targets)  # <- set self.targets
  1. incomplete aux_teacher

As said in the paper, the cifar's aux_teachers include {ResNet-18, ConvNet-W128, MobileNet-V2, WRN-162, ShuffleNet-V2, ConvNet-D1, ConvNet-D2, ConvNet-W32}. However, neither the code in squeeze dir nor recover dir include 8 models above. The scripts is mismatched with the paper and the code didn't prepare for all the 8 backbones too.

python --model ResNet18 --dataset CIFAR-10 --data_path /data/spiderman/cifar10 --train_epochs 5

python --model MobileNetV2 --dataset CIFAR-10 --data_path /path/to/cifar-10 --train_epochs 5

python --model ShuffleNetV2_0_5 --dataset CIFAR-10 --data_path /path/to/cifar-10 --train_epochs 5

python --model WRN_16_2 --dataset CIFAR-10 --data_path /path/to/cifar-10 --train_epochs 5

python --model ConvNetW128 --dataset CIFAR-10 --data_path /path/to/cifar-10 --train_epochs 5
# squeeze>, from line 81
# it seems just 5 backbones
    if args.model in ["resnet18","mobilenet_v2","efficientnet_b0","shufflenet_v2_x0_5"]:
        model = models.__dict__[args.model](pretrained=True, num_classes=1000)
        if args.model == "resnet18":
            model.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(
                3, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False
            model.maxpool = nn.Identity()
            model.fc = nn.Linear(model.fc.in_features,10)
        elif args.model == "mobilenet_v2":
            model.features[0][0] = nn.Conv2d(
                3, model.features[0][0].out_channels, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False
            model.classifier[1] = nn.Linear(model.classifier[1].in_features,10)
        elif args.model == "efficientnet_b0":
            model.features[0][0] = nn.Conv2d(
                3, model.features[0][0].out_channels, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False
            model.classifier[1] = nn.Linear(model.classifier[1].in_features,10)
        elif args.model == "shufflenet_v2_x0_5":
            model.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(
                    3, model.conv1[0].out_channels, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False
            model.maxpool = nn.Identity()
            model.fc = nn.Linear(model.fc.in_features,10)
        if args.model == "ConvNetW128":
            model = ti_get_network(args.model , channel = 3, num_classes = 10, im_size = (32, 32), dist = False)
            model = model_dict[args.model](num_classes = 10)
# recover>, from line 331
# only 5 backbones too
    aux_teacher = ["ResNet18", "ConvNetW128", "MobileNetV2", "WRN_16_2", "ShuffleNetV2_0_5"]
    model_teacher = []
    for name in aux_teacher:
        if name == "ConvNetW128":
            model = ti_get_network(name, channel=3, num_classes=10, im_size=(32, 32), dist=False)
            model = ti_models.model_dict[name](num_classes=10)

        checkpoint = torch.load(
            os.path.join(args.pre_train_path, "CIFAR-10", name, f"squeeze_{name}.pth"),

All the bug I've tried to fix and made it run finally. However, I'm not sure whether I realize the code and fix it in a right way. So could you please fix these issues?

Thanks for your great work and sharing.