shaoyanpan / Synthetic-CT-generation-from-MRI-using-3D-transformer-based-denoising-diffusion-model

This is the repository for the paper published in Medical Physics: "Synthetic CT generation from MRI using 3D transformer-based denoising diffusion model".
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How to improve the generated CT? #3

Open shsargordi opened 2 weeks ago

shsargordi commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Shaoyan, could you please take a look at the below generated CT image? I used my own data, but my outcomes differ significantly from those reported in the paper. Could you please offer suggestions for how I can improve it? All of my data have dimensions of 256x256x128, with CT images ranging from -1000 to 1000 HU and MRI images ranging from -10 to 10, both normalized to [-1,1]. The below generated CT images are Screenshot 2024-06-13 222733 after 800 epochs of training and the results didn't improve with further training.

shaoyanpan commented 2 weeks ago


Could you check image whether your predict_xstart=True?

Also, what is your patch size? I believe 256x256x128 is too large for GPU. Did you use 256x256x4 or something similar?

shsargordi commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your answer. predict_xstart is True. The only change I've made is in this part of the dataloader:

Screenshot 2024-06-14 091126 Screenshot 2024-06-14 091245

I used a patch size of 256x256x4 for the train images and a patch size of 256x256x128 for test images.

shaoyanpan commented 2 weeks ago

Ah I see the problem, actually it is my fault.

ResizeWithPadOrCropd is crop the boundary of the images to have the target size matrix, so now your all volumes become 256x256x4 which was the central part. RandSpatialCropSamplesd is the right function to randomly select patches for training. So in the training transformation the correct way is:

ResizeWithPadOrCropd( keys=["image","label"], spatial_size=(256,256,128), constant_values = -1, ), RandSpatialCropSamplesd(keys=["image","label"], roi_size = (256,256,4), num_samples = patch_num, random_size=False, ),

where the first one just resize all images to have a same size, the second function extract the patches for training. Your training transformation directly crop all images to the 256x256x4, so the diffusion will perform bad when you input the non-central part.

shsargordi commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for your explanations.

shsargordi commented 1 week ago

Hi Shaoyan, I fixed the code, but the results unexpectedly worsened compared to when I trained with only 4 slices per image. Could you please take a look at my new results and offer suggestions? it is trained 550 epochs.

Screenshot 2024-06-21 215244 Screenshot 2024-06-21 215306

shsargordi commented 1 week ago

And the strange thing is that I got better metrics when the model trained with only 4 slices of each image, using spatial_size=(256, 256, 4) in ResizeWithPadOrCropd.

shaoyanpan commented 1 week ago

Hi, just back form the work.

Yes it is weird. I think the loss (MAE) actually is too high, usually I can get about 0.03 for this MRI-to-CT in only about 10 epochs. So the issue is not even for testing, you cannot even train the model well. I think do you want to send me 1 or 2 example and let me try?

shsargordi commented 1 week ago

That would be great, thank you. Could you please give me your email?

shsargordi commented 1 week ago

Or please email me: