shapeblue / mbx

šŸ’šŸ“¦ Build, run, test monkey-powered local CloudStack dev/qa env
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mbx launch failed #23

Closed ravening closed 2 years ago

ravening commented 2 years ago

Ran the command

mbx launch qa1-415-kenv-437435d9-kvm

this failed with following errors

 {errorcode : 431, errortext : u'Please provide valid vnet range. vnet range should be a coma seperated list of vlan ranges. example 500-500,600-601 between 0 and 4095'},
==== Deploy DC Started ====
Exception Occurred: ['Traceback (most recent call last):\n', '  
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/marvin/", 
line 484, in updatePhysicalNetwork\n    ret = self.__apiClient.updatePhysicalNetwork(upnet)\n', ' 
 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/marvin/cloudstackAPI/", 
line 1502, in updatePhysicalNetwork\n    
response = self.connection.marvinRequest(command, response_type=response, method=method)\n', '  
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/marvin/", line 379, in marvinRequest\n    
raise e\n', "Exception: Job failed: {jobprocstatus : 0, created : u'2021-11-10T14:30:57+0000', completed : u'2021-11-10T14:30:57+0000', cmd : u'', 
userid : u'09f612e8-4231-11ec-a174-525400db5619', jobstatus : 2, jobid : u'15547657-c0ff-4ce2-89a4-69abb245faf0', jobresultcode : 530, jobresulttype : u'object', jobresult : {errorcode : 431, errortext : 
u'Please provide valid vnet range. vnet range should be a coma seperated list of vlan ranges. 
example 500-500,600-601 between 0 and 4095'}, accountid : u'09f5d96f-4231-11ec-a174-525400db5619'}\n"]
ravening commented 2 years ago

this is the payload

2021-11-10 14:30:57,112 - DEBUG - Payload: {'vlan': u'-', 'response': 'json', 'state': 'Enabled', 'command': 'updatePhysicalNetwork', 'id': u'f887cc00-8d6f-49db-bad2-08f651a2e6bb'}
2021-11-10 14:30:57,112 - DEBUG - ========Sending GET Cmd : updatePhysicalNetwork=======
rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

That appears to be a CloudStack issue than mbx issue. @ravening how was the env deployed, can you share your deploy command parameters and if you changed the marvin cfg file before launching?

ravening commented 2 years ago

@rhtyd I just followed the commands mentioned in the readme file.. nothing else

First I rant mbx init and after that mbx deploy 415-kenv mbxt-kvm-centos7 mbxt-kvm-centos7

Then I got this error

so i changed the content in marvin.cfg under /export/monkeybox/boxes/qa1-415-kenv-437435d9-kvm for vlan to 500-600 and it worked fine.

Now other issue I am facing is, the setup in running in a vm which doesnt have UI. So how can I access the nested cloudstack setup? The vm has ip range in 10. but the setup has 172.

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Can you share your host details too @ravening, probably the logic that calculated and determines the vlan/ip range has failed. Also the output of: virsh net-list --all

mbx being a new tool is only tested on Ubuntu 20.04lts and recently CentOS7

The VLAN ip range of 10.* suggests some network/config issue

ravening commented 2 years ago


# virsh net-list --all
 Name        State    Autostart   Persistent
 default     active   yes         yes
 monkeynet   active   yes         yes

# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Release:        20.04
Codename:       focal

# mbx list
MonkeyBox šŸµ v0.2

Name: qa1-415-kenv-437435d9-kvm

Following mbx templates are available:

Any other details?

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Thanks @ravening, let me get back to you soon. In the meanwhile, can you share full logs of both mbx deploy, launch cmd outputs as well as the generated marvin cfg file.

Since we're in CCC21 conference, let's grab sometime tomorrow or on Friday to test/debug it, happy to setup separate call next week too.

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Oh wait, maybe I should document this: do you have bc installed?

ravening commented 2 years ago

Oh wait, maybe I should document this: do you have bc installed?

@rhtyd yeah that was another issue... bc was not installed and I installed it after the mbx deploy. The docs need to be updated to install bc also Do you think that is causing the issue?

I can try deleting the current setup and start from scratch again.

rohityadavcloud commented 2 years ago

Yes I think the docs need to be updated about various utilities such as ssh, scp, bc, sed, awk etc that mbx uses. If bc is installed, pl try deploying again.

ravening commented 2 years ago

@rhtyd yes that was the issue. bc should be installed before deploying setup.

Have other issues related to setup like template not ready.. probably will create more issues later. closing this one