shapeshift / rFOX

rFOX - RUNE rewards for FOX stakers
MIT License
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[Spike] Data schema / model for IPFS based rFOX data #45

Closed 0xean closed 1 week ago

0xean commented 1 month ago
kaladinlight commented 2 weeks ago

Here is my proposed data structure for the IPFS rFOX data (note, the metadata ipfs hash will change on every update. we can look at leveraging dns, ens, or potentially ipns with a controlled private key for publishing)

 * Metadata for RFOX staking program (IPFS)
 * @typedef {Object} RFOXMetadata
 * @property {number} epoch - The current epoch number
 * @property {number} epochStartTimestamp - The start timestamp for the current epoch
 * @property {number} epochEndTimestamp - The end timestamp for the current epoch
 * @property {string} treasuryAddress - The treasury address on THORChain used to determine revenue earned by the DAO for RFOX reward distributions and total burn
 * @property {number} distributionRate - The percentage of revenue (in RUNE) accumulated by the treasury to be distributed as rewards
 * @property {number} burnRate - The percentage of revenue (in RUNE) accumulated by the treasury to be used to buy FOX from the open market and subsequently burned
 * @property {Record<number, string>} ipfsHashByEpoch - A record of epoch numbers to their corresponding IPFS hashes
export type RFOXMetadata = {
    /** The current epoch number */
    epoch: number
    /** The start timestamp for the current epoch */
    epochStartTimestamp: number
    /** The end timestamp for the current epoch */
    epochEndTimestamp: number
    /** The current percentage of revenue (RUNE) earned by the treasury to be distributed as rewards */
    distributionRate: number
    /** The current percentage of revenue (RUNE) earned by the treasury to be used to buy FOX from the open market and subsequently burned */
    burnRate: number
    /** The treasury address on THORChain used to determine revenue earned by the DAO for RFOX reward distributions and total burn */
    treasuryAddress: string
    /** A record of epoch number to their corresponding IPFS hashes */
    ipfsHashByEpoch: Record<number, string>

 * Details for a single reward distribution
 * @typedef {Object} RewardDistribution
 * @property {string} amount - The amount (RUNE) distributed to the reward address
 * @property {string} rewardUnits - The RFOX staking reward units used to calculate the reward distribution
 * @property {string} txid - The transaction ID (THORChain) for the reward distribution
 * @property {string} rewardAddress - The address (THORChain) used for the reward distribution
export type RewardDistribution = {
    /** The amount (RUNE) distributed to the reward address */
    amount: string
    /** The RFOX staking reward units used to calculate the reward distribution */
    rewardUnits: string
    /** The transaction ID (THORChain) for the reward distribution */
    txId: string
    /** The address used for the reward distribution */
    rewardAddress: string

 * Details for a completed epoch (IPFS)
 * @typedef {Object} Epoch
 * @property {number} number - The epoch number for this epoch
 * @property {number} days - The number of days in this epoch
 * @property {number} startBlock - The start block for this epoch
 * @property {number} endBlock - The end block for this epoch
 * @property {string} totalRevenue - The total revenue (RUNE) earned by the treasury for this epoch
 * @property {number} distributionRate - The percentage of revenue (RUNE) accumulated by the treasury to be distributed as rewards for this epoch
 * @property {number} burnRate - The percentage of revenue (RUNE) accumulated by the treasury to be used to buy FOX from the open market and subsequently burned for this epoch
 * @property {Record<number, RewardDistribution>} distributionsByStakingAddress - A record of staking address to distribution for this epoch
export type Epoch = {
    /** The epoch number for this epoch */
    number: number
    /** The start timestamp for this epoch */
    startTimestamp: number
    /** The end timestamp for this epoch */
    endTimestamp: number
    /** The start block for this epoch */
    startBlock: number
    /** The end block for this epoch */
    endBlock: number
    /** The total revenue (RUNE) earned by the treasury for this epoch */
    totalRevenue: string
    /** The total RFOX staking reward units for this epoch */
    totalRewardUnits: string
    /** The percentage of revenue (RUNE) accumulated by the treasury to be distributed as rewards for this epoch */
    distributionRate: number
    /** The percentage of revenue (RUNE) accumulated by the treasury to be used to buy FOX from the open market and subsequently burned for this epoch */
    burnRate: number
    /** A record of staking address to reward distribution for this epoch */
    distributionsByStakingAddress: Record<string, RewardDistribution>