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Thorchain streaming swaps should be labelled as such in the quote #6848

Open woodenfurniture opened 1 month ago

woodenfurniture commented 1 month ago


It's been reported by @twblack88 that thorchain streaming swaps are not being correctly labelled as streaming swaps in the quote, lead users to action them and be stuck with a very slowly executing trade.

References and additional details


Acceptance Criteria

Thorchain streaming swaps are labelled as such.

Need By Date

No response


No response

Estimated effort

No response

woodenfurniture commented 3 weeks ago

Non-compact view labels steaming swaps but compact view does not

woodenfurniture commented 3 weeks ago

Possible low-lift "solushun" (ignore the janky screenshot paste), use the existing trade quote card src/components/MultiHopTrade/components/TradeInput/components/TradeQuotes/TradeQuote.tsx which includes more information in the same area:


0xean commented 2 weeks ago

product to create mock for warning model.


reallybeard commented 1 week ago

Here is what we have mocked up for the ACK for streaming swaps.