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Always show scrollbar in list of connected chains #6927

Closed woodenfurniture closed 2 weeks ago

woodenfurniture commented 2 weeks ago


When a user has multiple chains connected, the ManageAccountsModal list of chains shows the first few without a scrollbar. The scrollbar only appears after scrolling, meaning the user has to know it's possible to scroll before scrolling.

2 separate team members have reported it as broken before realising it's not actuall broken :|

References and additional details

<ModalBody maxH='400px' overflowY='auto'> in src/components/Modals/ManageAccounts/ManageAccountsModal.tsx

Original raise of issue:

Acceptance Criteria

Users can see a scrollbar when it's possible to scroll.

Need By Date

No response


No response

Estimated effort

No response

woodenfurniture commented 2 weeks ago

Is this something we want? I see this issue in a few places so perhaps there is a more general solve?

woodenfurniture commented 2 weeks ago

This OS level an outside our control, but we can force it if need be. BUT looks to be solved?


@gomesalexandre CC