shapeshift / web

ShapeShift Web
MIT License
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feat: add base support #6933

Closed kaladinlight closed 1 week ago

kaladinlight commented 2 weeks ago


Add basic support for base blockchain. (Send/Receive, Balances, Transaction History, Balance History).

This does not include swap support, nft support, or on ramps


Pull Request Type

Issue (if applicable)



High Risk PRs Require 2 approvals

Low - does not change any existing behavior and is behind a feature flag

What protocols, transaction types or contract interactions might be affected by this PR?




Screenshots (if applicable)

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0xApotheosis commented 1 week ago

Been debugging this too @gomesalexandre - some additional info that might help:

kaladinlight commented 1 week ago

First pass - noticed accounts are in an infinite fetching loop after a full cache clear, which isn't the case on develop

This is caused by shapeshift/hdwallet#671 (which isn't present in develop currently since we didn't merge its web fren #6827) which this PR includes. Its web fren actually fixes the infinite loop issue - when the multichain snap isn't installed, trying to derive an account 0+ always derive the same account 0 pubkey (which has activity) meaning we fetch the "next" account number (really 0th) again ad vitam aeternam.

@kaladinlight, ideally #6889 needs to go in before but alternatively, if we don't want this to go first, we can also cherry-pick the <AppContext /> bits separately here.

All of the second pass testing below has been done after merging #6889 locally.

Derp, good catch and will work on getting #6889 in first with this to follow.