Migrates the WIP limit orders feature to utilize redux for state management. As the inputs of spot and limit trades are basically identical and contain extremely high risk code, a higher-order slice pattern has been adopted to deduplicate the logic and minimise surface area.
Also includes 2 fixes suggested by @NeOMakinG in #8095:
High risk. The migration to use of a new design pattern for trades means that although the core logic is left totally untouched, we should review and test this with extreme caution.
What protocols, transaction types, wallets or contract interactions might be affected by this PR?
All trades for all protocols, specifically trade input (including receive address, slippage, everything).
⚠️ For trades, no change from prod should be observed.
A complete regression test of trades should be completed, including various inputs, configs, swappers, multi-hop, custom recipient, different accounts, etc.
[ ] :checkered_flag: My feature is behind a flag and doesn't require operations testing (yet)
Screenshots (if applicable)
Swap via THORChain to manual receive address
Swap via LiFi to custom account number (#1) and custom slippage (1.5%)
Migrates the WIP limit orders feature to utilize redux for state management. As the inputs of spot and limit trades are basically identical and contain extremely high risk code, a higher-order slice pattern has been adopted to deduplicate the logic and minimise surface area.
Also includes 2 fixes suggested by @NeOMakinG in #8095:
Issue (if applicable)
closes #8111
High risk. The migration to use of a new design pattern for trades means that although the core logic is left totally untouched, we should review and test this with extreme caution.
All trades for all protocols, specifically trade input (including receive address, slippage, everything).
⚠️ For trades, no change from prod should be observed.
A complete regression test of trades should be completed, including various inputs, configs, swappers, multi-hop, custom recipient, different accounts, etc.
Screenshots (if applicable)
Swap via THORChain to manual receive address
Swap via LiFi to custom account number (#1) and custom slippage (1.5%)
Swap via CoW with custom slippage (1.5%)
Swap via 0x