shaps80 / SwiftUIBackports

A collection of SwiftUI backports for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS
MIT License
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Should enhancement APIs be moved to SwiftUI+? #26

Closed shaps80 closed 1 year ago

shaps80 commented 1 year ago

@schiewe made a great point on one of my APIs that including non-backport API alongside the real backport could make it difficult to continue using the enhancement once the back port is dropped and no longer required.

Putting it in one modifier allowed me to properly implement the back port and the additional feature in most cases.

Tbh this hasn't come up often yet but I have a couple 'additions' that are not really backports, I wonder if it's just a bad idea to include these in this library at all.

Perhaps I should move these to my SwiftUI+ package instead since these are enhancements. Removes this specific concern too.
