shaqian / flutter_realtime_detection

Real-time detection demo for Flutter tflite plugin
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Decoding Camera Image #3

Closed NoraKrbr closed 5 years ago

NoraKrbr commented 5 years ago

I followed the article you wrote about this on Medium and everything has worked for me except the section “Decoding CameraImage”. Could you tell me where I should include the code snippet that you provided ( in the native iOS code?

shaqian commented 5 years ago


The native code is already included in fluter tflite package. You just need to call the methods (Tflite.runModelOnImage() etc) from flutter code.

Thanks, Qian

NoraKrbr commented 5 years ago

Hi Qian,

thanks four you answer. Turns out I did something wrong when I tried to incorporate some parts of your code into my project. When I just deploy your app on my phone, it works perfectly. I have more of a general question about the tflite plugin, which I didn't figure out. Is it possible to import a custom model with it that I built with tensorflow, and use that one for real-time object detection?

Thanks, Nora

shaqian commented 5 years ago

Hi Nora,

Yes. You can use your customer model if it's trained or compatible with one of the supported models.

Thanks, Qian

shaqian commented 5 years ago

Temporarily archiving the thread. Feel free to reopen if you still have the issue.