Using vim on OS X, temporary files created when dumping out the YAML are not effected by "ti edit". A work around is to 'set nowritebackup' in vim. Adding a suffix to the temp file allows one to set a custom configuration for specific file types using the ftplugin:
" File ~/.vim/ftplugin/yaml.vim
" YAML specific settings.
if has("unix")
let os = substitute(system('uname -s'), "\n", "", "")
if os == "Darwin"
set nowritebackup
Using vim on OS X, temporary files created when dumping out the YAML are not effected by "ti edit". A work around is to 'set nowritebackup' in vim. Adding a suffix to the temp file allows one to set a custom configuration for specific file types using the ftplugin:
" File ~/.vim/ftplugin/yaml.vim " YAML specific settings.
if has("unix") let os = substitute(system('uname -s'), "\n", "", "") if os == "Darwin" set nowritebackup endif endif