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Failed TXs on complex or cross-contract logics #417

Open GushALKDev opened 1 year ago

GushALKDev commented 1 year ago
What is the issue?

:red_circle: "Simple" logics works fine, the issues seems to appear when the logic crosses contracts or it is a more complex logic. :red_circle:

What impact does the issue have?

:red_circle: It causes failed TXs :red_circle:

How to reproduce the issue?



You can test it out by your own at

The network is failing again as you can see in the first attached video.

There is no LIMIT/SL/TP/LIQ due to your RPC limitations (WSS and events) but you can try out the Market order type.

"Simple" logics works fine, the issues seems to appear when the logic crosses contracts or it is a more complex logic.

Example with a clean account (Video 3)

As you can see here, our protocol works fast and fine in other networks. I hope these videos help you to better debug your network. (Video4)


skundu42 commented 1 year ago

Try 1 Start Trade -> SUCCESS -> Oracle callback -> SUCCESS -> (

Try 2 Start Trade -> SUCCESS -> Oracle callback -> SUCCESS ->

Try 3 Start Trade -> FAILED -> Oracle callback -> NOT REQUESTED DUE A FAILED START TRADE

Try 4 Start Trade -> SUCCESS -> Oracle callback -> SUCCESS ->

Try 5 Start Trade -> FAILED -> Oracle callback -> NOT REQUESTED DUE A FAILED START TRADE

Try 6 Start Trade -> SUCCESS -> Oracle callback -> SUCCESS ->

Try 7 Start Trade -> SUCCESS -> Oracle callback -> SUCCESS ->

Try 8 Start Trade -> SUCCESS -> Oracle callback -> SUCCESS ->

Try 9 Start Trade -> SUCCESS -> Oracle callback -> SUCCESS ->

Try 10 Start Trade -> FAILED -> Oracle callback -> NOT REQUESTED DUE A FAILED START TRADE

Try 11 Start Trade -> FAILED -> Oracle callback -> NOT REQUESTED DUE A FAILED START TRADE

Try 12 Start Trade -> FAILED -> Oracle callback -> NOT REQUESTED DUE A FAILED START TRADE

GushALKDev commented 1 year ago

At this moments all tries are always Failed!

achal-singh commented 1 year ago

Hey @GushALKDev, Have you deployed the same set of contracts on an EVM compatible network which is supported by Etherscan? I know you've tried this on BNB Testnet (BNBScan), but if you've tried this on any of Ethereum's Testnets (viz. Goerli or Sepolia) as well, please mention some details here like the contract addresses on these networks, any other piece of information (like the correct way to test the function calls etc in addition to what's given in the videos), that'd be of some help in diagnosing the issue.

GushALKDev commented 1 year ago

Hi @achal-singh!

We have a deployed version in ZKSync Era Testnet, it is not an Ethereum Testnet but it is a Layer 2 of an Ethereum network, could it be valid for you?

In addition, all these contracts are verified so you can interact and check them directly from its block explorer.

You can try it from our frontend.

Best Regards!

achal-singh commented 1 year ago

Got it. Could you provide the link to this contract address on the ZKSync Era Testnet Explorer?

GushALKDev commented 1 year ago

Yes, but I just notice that I deployed a new version 2 days ago and it is unverified, let me verify the contracts and I will let you know the addresses.

I´ll come back to you in a while.

GushALKDev commented 1 year ago

The verification system in ZKSync doesn't work as fine as expected, if you have to recompile after a deployment you won´t be able to verify the contract deployed before, even if nothing changes.

I am going to redeploy and verify the whole protocol and I´ll let you know when finish.

GushALKDev commented 1 year ago

Hi again @achal-singh!

The whole protocol is redeployed and verified, you can try it out at

All protocol addresses are stored here

The contract from the trade starts is

Best regards!

achal-singh commented 1 year ago

Hey @GushALKDev, Looks like there are a whole bunch of contracts involved in this DEX. Is there a doc I can refer to deploy and test this in the correct way on my local machine?

From what I've seen so far that there are a set of contracts/interfaces being imported and deployed from GFarmTradingStorageV5.sol and a lot of function calls are defined in another contract named: "GNSTradingV6_2.sol". But it's tough to make a logical flow of how things actually flow here, i.e. for example, to figure out how a particular trade goes through.

Other than this, Remix is also giving out this error: CompilerError: Stack too deep when compiling inline assembly: Variable value0 is 1 slot(s) too deep inside the stack. when I try compiling the GFarmTradingStorageV5.sol contract. So a definitive guide to setup and deploy everything would be helpful in diagnosing the reason behind failing trade transactions on Shardeum.

Is there a doc I can follow to understand things to test and deploy?

Do correct me if I'm missing something here and if you have a better way I can test this out.
