sharedlabs / sortable-list

A web component for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices.
MIT License
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[ASK] Disable position of disabled sortable item #20

Open alkunjo opened 6 years ago

alkunjo commented 6 years ago

Can we disable the position of disabled sortable item using this component? For example I have this snippet:

<sortable-list sortable=".mcItem" id="mcList" on-items-changed="itemsOrder">
  <paper-item class="mcItem" value="[[]]" disabled="true">
    <div class="col m10">[[]]</div>
  <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[dataMc.rows]]" as="mc">
    <paper-item class="mcItem" value="[[]]">
      <div class="col m10">[[]]</div>
      <div class="col m2">
        <paper-icon-button icon="delete" id="[[]]" on-click="deleteMc" value="[[]]"></paper-icon-button>
  <paper-item class="mcItem" value="[[]]" disabled="true">
    <div class="col m10">[[]]</div>

On that code, I already disabled the first and the last paper-items so those can't be dragged. But somehow the other paper-items inside the dom-repeat still can be dragged and replace the disabled paper-items position. How would I disable the position of the disabled paper-items so another active paper-items can't replace their position?