sharedstreets / sharedstreets-builder

Making maps connectable: stable, non-proprietary IDs and data standards for streets
MIT License
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it creates the output directory but not the files #17

Open blackgis opened 5 years ago

blackgis commented 5 years ago

I cd to my current location where the files are and when i execute

blackgis commented 5 years ago

java -jar ./sharedstreets-builder-0.3.1.jar --input data/nyc_test.pbf --output ./outcome it starts heavely but when it is finished there are no files in the outcome folder

hbruch commented 5 years ago

What do you mean by 'it starts heavily'? Could you append (some) log output? Perhaps you are executing in the wrong directory?

The following steps for me were successful:

> gradle allJars
> java -jar build/libs/sharedstreets-builder-0.3.1.jar --input data/nyc_test.pbf --output ./outcome
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
Connected to JobManager at Actor[akka://flink/user/jobmanager_1#1180750838] with leader session id 66d9aa3e-bc0d-4d20-9f4f-00f6ab58cef9.
06/08/2019 13:46:02 Job execution switched to status RUNNING.
06/08/2019 13:46:02 CHAIN DataSource (at <init>( ( -> Map (Key Extractor)(1/12) switched to SCHEDULED
06/08/2019 13:46:02 CHAIN DataSource (at <init>( ( -> Map (Key Extractor)(1/12) switched to DEPLOYING
06/08/2019 13:39:44 DataSink ( switched to FINISHED
06/08/2019 13:39:44 DataSink ( switched to FINISHED
06/08/2019 13:39:44 Job execution switched to status FINISHED.
> ls outcome/
12-1205-1541.geometry.4.pbf 12-1205-1541.intersection.6.pbf 12-1205-1541.reference.4.pbf    12-1206-1541.geometry.6.pbf 12-1206-1541.metadata.4.pbf 12-1206-1541.reference.6.pbf
12-1205-1541.geometry.6.pbf 12-1205-1541.metadata.4.pbf 12-1205-1541.reference.6.pbf    12-1206-1541.intersection.4.pbf 12-1206-1541.metadata.6.pbf
12-1205-1541.intersection.4.pbf 12-1205-1541.metadata.6.pbf 12-1206-1541.geometry.4.pbf 12-1206-1541.intersection.6.pbf 12-1206-1541.reference.4.pbf